2~ Welcome Newcomers

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The drawing is a bit rushed and lazy hhh. Also, the old Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf will be referred to as (tp) (for example: (tp)Link, (tp) Zelda, (tp) Ganondorf). Anyway, enjoy the chapter!


"Welp, that sure was exhausting." Master Hand stated as he put the broom in the closet.

Yes, today is the day. The newcomers would be arriving later, and to celebrate, Master Hand is throwing a huge party.

Master Hand had been cleaning the mansion for a whole 4 hours, from 6am 10am. Surprisingly, nobody had woken up yet, despite the big day ahead of them. Well, besides the known early birds of the mansion.

"Good morning Master Hand. You look like you've gotten quite the workout this morning. I sure can relate." W.F. said as she walked in the door. She had just gotten back from her daily morning jog, Wii Fit Trainer following close behind.

"Palutena, Rosalina, and Mario are probably awake by now, but the others are still asleep. I'm exhausted, so will you guys please go wake them up. We need to start working on our sleep schedules." Master Hand mumbled the last sentence, rolling his eyes(?).

"On it!" The fitness duo exclaimed, jogging around the mansion and up the stairs, most likely to show off their fit, healthy bodies.

"I want to have a healthy body like that. But who am I kidding? I don't even have a body." Crazy Hand chuckled, floating past his brother(?).


Marth got out of bed and looked over at his clock. His eyes widened when he saw the time. He quickly jumped up and walked over to his dresser. He put on a navy blue sweater and some black jeans, before styling his hair to perfection. He then left his room and walked down the hall to his best friend, Roy's room.

"Hello- oh shit, I haven't studied English at all!" Marth panicked. "Master Hand and his darn rules. 'YoU nEed tO sPeaK eNgLish tO aPpeAL mOrE tO wEstErn aUdiEncEs.' What is that even supposed to mean?" Marth scoffed.

"Uh... Marth, you just said that in perfect English. Wait, I just said that in perfect English!"

"Wait what? Roy, say something in Japanese!"

"Uh..." Roy sat there as if Marth had asked him to recite the whole dictionary in order. "Oh god."

"Oh boy..."

The boys stood around for a minute or so, before Roy's face lit up. "Let's go around speaking English to everyone and confuse them!"

"What? No, let's go and casually inform them that we suddenly speak English."

"You may speak a new language now, but gods, you're still so lame."


"This place sure is quiet today, am I right, Master?" Asked Crazy Hand.

"I know, it hasn't been this quiet since 2001." Master Hand stated, with an irritated tone in his voice.

"...that's good, right?"

"No, that's not good. Sure, I love peace and quiet, but today is a big day. They need to get off their asses and wake up! It's eleven o'clock!"

Mario, Rosalina, and Peach walked past the hands, greeting them in the process. "Good Morning, Master and Crazy, how have you b-"

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