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Tasha's phone started ringing when she sprung up. She had fallen asleep on the couch. The last thing she remembered was pushing her plate aside because she lost her appetite. Perhaps she was too tired or was too consumed by something else. She noticed it was 10pm when she hung up the phone. Keva came in and noticed her plate half filled with food shoved aside. He watched as Tasha took her plate, threw away the leftover food and washed it. All the while not a word was said between them. 



'What will his explanation be I wonder'


'I am waiting for her to get mad at me. Why isn't she saying anything?'


'He better not be waiting for me to beg him for an explanation'


'Maybe I should just say something but I don't even know what her mood is. She didn't even eat all her food.'


'If he wants to keep this going so can I. I'm just gonna go sit back down as if nothing happened. Let's see how long he'll play the silent fool.'


'She is sitting next to me but not even looking at me. She's definitely mad. Of course she's mad who wouldn't be. I didn't even inform her I was gonna be late.'


'He is taking off his jacket. Oh and he's wearing a white shirt. Great. The pink of the flowers on his tattoo seem to be printing through his shirt tonight brighter than ever.'


'At least she's looking at me now.'


'If we weren't currently doing...whatever this is, I swear I would rip that stupid shirt off and finally get a look at that tattoo.'


'Ah she is looking at me like she wants to kill me. Let me save myself.'


Keva, "I'm sorry."

Tash, "Okay."

Keva, "I got caught up with some work."

Tash, "Museum stuff?"

Keva, "No. My dad is not in the country and so my mom called me to deal with some issues."

Tash, "What issues?"

Keva, "there was an issue with shipping. Some of the products were unaccounted for."

Tash, "Oh. Is everything okay now?"

Keva, "yes it was resolved eventually."

Tash, "okay. Well at least your parents don't have to worry about that. Everything is fine..."

Keva, "Hmm"

Tash, "Right?"

Keva, "Yea..."

Tash, "Why? Is your father worried because he's not here to make sure everything goes smoothly?"

Keva, "No. He's mad because I wasn't there to make sure everything went smoothly in the first place."

Tash, "Oh. But you came through in the end."

Keva, "Why resolve when you can prevent? Why not just take your place? You're capable. You just want to be stubborn. You're a man now, take responsibility."

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