Part 9.

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"Gunnie Aaron" - "Here!"

"Justin Aba" - "Here!"

"Miss Tasha Abhinoor!" --- "Present..."



Luckily Tash was never one to sit at the front of class. She sat somewhere in the middle where she successfully kept a low profile for the remainder of the class. The rest of the class was pretty much a reiteration of the email. Professor Laryn spent the time assuring and answering any questions and concerns anyone had. She however had her own style of teaching and proposed that she wanted to do something fun with the class since sitting and lecturing wasn't really her style, and a fun activity would help familiarize everyone faster. What she had in mind; she did not say yet. She was still trying to finalize it and would let everyone know before they met again for the next class. And so, was the end of the first day with the new professor.

After class, Tasha quickly shuffled out in between everyone else.

The morning of the next class, another email came in.

"Hello class,

I only got confirmation last night so I'm sorry if the notice is a bit late. But for class today we will be taking a little trip. Everything is taken care of; you don't have to worry about any transportation or anything. We will take the school shuttle bus to and from the location since it's close by to campus. Looking forward to it! Let's have fun.

Professor Laryn."

Tash and Ren shuffled into the bus and sat next to each other.

Ren, "Where you reckon she's taking us?"

Tash, "I love how the whole class came into a bus with a teacher we only met once and no one knows where we're going. I feel like I've seen this movie before."

Ren, "Did it have a happy ending?"

Tash, "Do they ever?"

As the bus pulled out of campus, Professor Laryn settled herself and got up to make sure everyone was in. They were not in high school for god's sake. It's a bus full of adults. Why is she doing a headcount right now? Although their status was questionable, a whole bus of adults and not one of them inquired as to their exact destination.

"Okay, thank you all for agreeing to come along on this short trip. We should be there in about ten minutes so I'll be brief. We are headed to the Moon-River Museum downtown."


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