Told you she's a Nerd.

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"Ren, did she just say Moon-River?"

Ren only nodded yes and continued to listen, but Tash did not hear a word after Moon-River. Before she could even realize they pulled up at the museum. It really was just downtown. 

Stupid. Why did she have to choose a school outside of the city with a big comfortable campus and large enough classrooms and lecture halls? Why did she have to choose a school this close to Moon-River Museum? Like you know, she could have planned any of this when she was choosing schools four years ago. Yet still, in moments of distress, we indulge all kinds of thoughts as if we have control of any of the things that happen in our lives.

In truth, Tash did not even know why she was feeling so anxious. So what if she was seeing her professor's ex? Ex..? 

They had by now wandered into the museum. All standing just at the entrance in a bunch as if waiting for permission. They really were like highschoolers on a field trip. Just then, Tash saw him walking towards the group. He appeared quite comfortable. He was wearing a t-shirt and a blazer with the sleeves folded up just a little bit. Enough that she caught sight of a few cherry blossoms. She heard a few whispers in the group when Ren leaned over to her,

"Shit, this woman actually brought us to her boyfriend's museum"

Tash didn't say anything. She only looked at Ren quizzically.

In front of her Tash could hear one of her classmates whisper to another, "I've seen him before. Isn't he the one with the car?"

Tash rolled her eyes. Physically and spiritually.

Professor Laryn interrupted the whispering conversation to give more information that provided the answers to the question more than half of the class seemed to be asking in their heads.

"This is Goo." She paused and turned to look at Keva with a smile.

"Sorry. This is Mr. Goo. He is the owner and director of this museum and he was nice enough to be present here to welcome us today. He is both a friend and colleague of mine. He sometimes works with the Arts department through me to procure art pieces for his Museum. We recently worked together to acquire some of the pieces on display now. The art in here are currently pieces inspired from the Renaissance period. But, they will be doing a new installation soon so I tried to get you here before these are removed. I thought it might help shed some light on the period since our class is centered around the same time. Who knows? One of you might even see a piece that you can use for your final essay. If you have any questions about any of the pieces, feel free to ask Mr. Goo or I. Between the two of us, we should be able to give you an answer." 

The two girls who were whispering in front of her before, leaned in to each other.

"I have a question about the real piece of art in here" one said to the other. They sniggered as they bumped shoulders and walked in the direction of the piece that was closest to where Keva was standing. Unfortunately, we are not all adults. We are worse than highschoolers. 

Tash was about to roll her eyes again when she locked eyes with Keva. He was looking right at her. She could not lie. She wanted to smile at the fact that she was privy to this man half of the class seemed to be fawning over. If she were a possessive person, she might feel the need to let everyone know she knew him, personally. She managed not to smile and turned away from him blankly to go look at one of the pieces that caught her eye. It really was the only thing in here worth looking at. Apart from a piece she noticed when she came in. It was all the way at the back. Was it a lamp or a statue or what?

Right now though, all her attention was focused on this painting. It was big enough that it occupied almost half of the wall.

Hero and Leander. Christopher Marlowe's Epic. Shakespeare should really count his lucky stars that Marlowe had an untimely and suspicious death.

"Have a question?"

Tash didn't even need to turn around. She knew right away who it was.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Keva asked, his eyes on her, her eyes on the painting.

"I didn't know I was coming here until we were already on the way." Tash replied, eyes still on the painting.

Keva, "You could have texted me when you found out giving me a heads up. I didn't know it would be your class."

Tash finally broke from the painting to look at him, "Why didn't you tell me you were having a class over at your museum today?"

Keva, "I didn't think it mattered because if it was your class you would have definitely informed me."

... Tash eyes moved with the waves that seemed to be moving with Neptune the longer she kept looking at the painting.

"Of course. It's not like you ever find anything important enough to tell me," Keva added in a gingerly whisper.

"You really want to do this now?" Tash gritted out between her teeth when she noticed more and more people were heading over to this painting.

"Ah yes. The unfinished story about the two lovers who fell in love almost instantly." Professor Laryn had made her way over with the remainder of the class. "That is if you're referring to the Marlowe version. I myself prefer the completed Leigh Hunt poem."

Tash of course wanted to throw herself out the nearest window by now. It would 1) get her out of here and 2) perhaps make her forget that the woman who is going to be teaching her for the rest of the semester did not take to Marlowe's version. No offense to Mr. Hunt of course.

"Mr. Goo and I worked quite long hours trying to acquire this particular piece. We both have extensive knowledge on the history and story. Don't let the tattoos and t-shirt look derail you. He is very knowledgeable and passionate about his art."

Tash changed her mind. She wanted to throw Laryn out of the nearest window. She meant to leave the crowd and wander over to that interesting piece at the back when she heard those words leave Laryn's mouth. She didn't need to turn to look at Keva. Tash saw from her peripheral the way his head immediately lowered after Laryn spoke.

"Which version do you prefer Mr. Goo?" one of the whispering girls from earlier spoke up.

"Uhhh..." Keva paused, as if measuring every word before he could speak them.


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