"Hey... no, no no no. We are not sparring here, are you crazy? This is your ground, I don't know who's lurking around. Is this your plan? Bring me back here do you and your friends can jump me all together?"
"Nobody's here, don't worry. Classes are out for the evening. Hawk is out doing something anyway. Come on, it'll be fun,"
"'Fun' my ass," I mutter as we get out of the car. He just gave me directions while I drove. I didn't realize that this is where we were going. I tuck my preferred kubotan- the one from Robby- in my back pocket, also taking my phone and my keys, which I almost drop as Miguel tosses them to me.
The two of us walk into the empty dojo. I'm surprised the door is unlocked. Couldn't somebody just waltz in, like we are now?
"No shoes-"
"Who do you think I am, Miguel?" I ask, slipping off my shoes and setting them off to the side with the rest of my things. I've been doing this for almost half my life. My tae kwon do dojang actually looks fairly similar to this. The mat colors are the same, same bags, the mirrors, except ours are only halfway but we have a railing, which is good for beginners.
"Just thought I'd remind you," he says. I- anyway. I walk on the mat feeling really awkward. I don't like this. I'm not supposed to be here. Just another thing to add to the list of things that Mr LaRusso doesn't need to know.
"So... first point wins? First to three? Whoever stays on their feet the longest? To the death? How are we determining who wins?" I ask. It'll change how I fight. First point wins you have to be fast, quick, and smart- not that you shouldn't do that in general, but that's what you have to really focus on. First to three gives you a little more freedom. You can study how your opponent moves so you can counter better. If it's whoever can stay on their feet the longest, you have to watch out for leg sweeps and strikes, and you have to make sure you have great balance the whole way through, lest you fall on your own accord. And to the death? I just threw that one in for fun.
"First to three points annnd everything will be one point to make it more interesting," he says. Right, so neither of us can do a one and done. Makes sense for this purpose.
"Alright. What, is the Holy Spirit gonna ref?"
"We won't need a referee. I'm not gonna hurt you and I know you won't hurt me," he says, "right?"
"Not intentionally," I shrug. I've been doing this for eight years. I know how to control my power. If he runs full force into a strike, then that's on him.
"Are we doing this or not?"
"Oh it's on," Miguel says, grinning, "All Valley final match- part two."
We stand about two mat spots away from each other, bowing. He kiais as he takes a ready position. I opt to take mine silently. I get why you kiai, but I personally prefer to take my stances and things silently, like an assassin or perhaps a ninja. He drops his stance. What? What's going on?
"Come on, you can at least yell. Or did they not teach you that at Miyagi-Do?" He says, though I can hear the joking tone in his voice. The audacity-
"I contain multitudes, Diaz," I say, relaxing as well.
"Oh I'm sure you do, Reyes,"
I roll my eyes with a smile. He kiais a little louder this time as he takes his stance. Okay, okay. I shift around a little, getting a feel for the mat. Suddenly, I kiai, taking my stance. Yeah, that was good. Gotta sprinkle that Reyes Spice on it. Keep him on his toes.
"Yeah! That's more like it!" He laughs. Oh whatever.
"Ready?" I ask.
"And fight!" He finishes. Here we go.
Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]
FanfictionLife hasn't been easy for Parker Reyes since the deaths of her mother and brothers, but tae kwon do had always been something steady for her. However, when she takes up karate to expand her skills, things begin to shift all out of place...