15- Happy Birthday

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"Hey guys, sorry I'm late, I had to get my drivers license and the line was longer than I expected," I call, quickly setting my bag down in the dojo as I run out to the yard. I feel awful for being late, but I'm driving legally now! I'm still keeping the fake license just for old times sake, but not on my person or in my wallet any more, just because I don't want to confuse it with my real one. Hold on-

Where is everybody? I know I'm late, I've been beating myself up about it the whole way here. What's going on? At least one of them should be here, I'm not really sure what's going on. I look around around a little to make sure they're not working on something around the corner or anything. They are not. Is everything okay? I walk back into the dojo, confused and concerned. Was there not training today? I'm sure there was, because I was both bummed and excited that we had training on my birthday... well... I guess I'll just wait for someone to show up?


Patterns are always more fun when you're elevated. It's like being on a stage and you can imagine that everyone is just blown away by your forms skills.

"Are you ever not doing forms, Park?" Somebody asks out of nowhere. I jump, almost falling off the deck. Robby! ¡Gracias a Dios! And Sam and Mr LaRusso! This is weird. Why are they all collectively this late? Why are they standing like that? What is Mr LaRusso holding?

"Cállate," I say as I walk over to them, though there's laughter in my tone, "is everything okay? I've been here for like fifteen minutes and I was late and everything."

"Don't worry, everything's alright," Mr LaRusso says, "happy birthday Parker."

Robby and Sam both bring their arms out from behind their backs to reveal two boxes and a gift bag, and I finally see that Mr LaRusso is holding a small cake. Wait- no way. I can't help but cover my mouth with my hands. This is too sweet, I can't.

"We got caught up at the bakery because apparently we weren't the only ones looking to get a cake today," Sam says. I don't even care this is amazing.

"I don't know what to say I- Thanks you guys, it really does mean a lot," I say, moving my hands from my mouth to my heart. I honestly wasn't expecting any gifts this year... my mom died three years ago, it's been about a year and a half since my brothers' deaths, and my extended family lives far out and they usually just mail me money. This is- wow. I might cry.

"It's not everyday you turn 16. Thought I'd make it a little special for you. Today we're just all gonna take a break from training- Amanda needs me at the dealership anyway. You three go have fun," Mr LaRusso says, "but first, cake."

Yay! We all walk back into the dojo, sitting down on the floor. That cake looks good as hell. Mr LaRusso frees it from its confines, then somehow manages to get sixteen candles on it, lighting all of them. Wow. They all look at each other, grinning. Oh no are they gonna sing? Of course they're gonna sing. Maybe they'll be okay. I'm scared. The birthday song has been ruined for me ever since we started singing it in choir with the piano accompaniment and everybody singing on key and the opportunity for me to harmonize is perfect. Now hearing the... traditional form is just... help.

Then they start singing. Each in a different key that in no way even remotely sound good with each other. The whole duration of the song. I have to restrain myself from physically cringing during the part where it's like 'happy BIRTHday dear Parker'. It's awful. But they look so happy and excited for me, and... and I haven't heard people sing to me since René and Alejandro died... I can't help but grin back at them. I blow out all sixteen candles on the first go. What to wish for this year... the multiple times I asked for super powers didn't work... and neither did wishing for my family back... well... third time has to be a charm right..? I just want my family...

"What did you wish for?" Robby asks. This dumb ray of sunshine-

"And render my one annual birthday wish useless? What are you, crazy?"

The cake is delicious and we laugh about their singing and my ID picture the whole time.

"Okay okay, you have to open your presents," Sam says, pushing them towards me. I'm actually really excited. I love getting and giving gifts. It's a lot of fun, though I don't necessarily like being the only one opening gifts because then they're just watching me and it's so awkward and I do not thrive in awkward situations. But I'm dying to know what they thought of.

I pick up the only bagged one first. This was the one that Sam was holding, so I assume it's from her. I pull out the tissue paper, finding a gift card and a t-shirt. It's a comforting light grey, and it's cropped?! What's that on the pocket- is that the Italian flag? With the little hand-

"Santo cielo (holy heavens)," I say, looking up at her, obviously doing the hand motion, "this is amazing, thank you so much."

"I saw it at the store last week and I thought it was perfect, and the gift card is to that smoothie place you like," she explains. I love smoothies so much; she's amazing.

"It's amazing, I love it," I respond. I choose the larger box next because good things come in small packages, hence why I am a nightmare.

When I get it unwrapped and opened I find a pristinely folded gi with a strip of patterned fabric running the length of the box. Hey it's the yin yang symbol and it kind of looks like the headband Mr LaRusso has. I take it in my hands carefully.

"Mr Miyagi gave me a headband just like that one when I was a little older than you. You've earned it, Parker," Mr LaRusso says, smiling fondly at the memory. Woah...

"I wish I could have met him.. thank you Mr LaRusso," I say, in a little bit of shock. The other thing is the official Miyagi-Do gi. Not us with the cool symbol, anyway. He also reassures the others that it's not exclusive to me.

This just leaves Robby's... I'm intrigued. I can feel his eyes on me, but I don't want to look up because I know we'll make eye contact and I'm already enough on edge, I don't need eye contact on top of it. I open the box to find some pictures. Awe... there are the few we took at the tournament, some we've just taken while having fun, one we took during a quick break in training with Mr LaRusso in the background, and then two with me, Robby, and Sam all together. These are for sure going on my wall. I set them in my lap while I look at the other thing. Wait no way. A metal kubotan?! I've been meaning to get one for years! Both of mine are wood and one of them needs to be sanded down because it gives me splinters! I take it in my hands looking it over. It's engraved... down one side it says 'we're in this together' and the other says 'no matter what'... those are our two things. This is so sweet.

"They came in a set of two. Mine has 'whether we like it or not' and 'I've got your back'... I just thought it was a good gift idea since you actually know how to use most weapons. I didn't know you already had one though," Robby says. Bro does it look like I care? This is great!

"I love it, and don't worry, it's good to have multiple. I've never had a metal one before. Thank you," I say, excited. I watch relief flood into his face.

"I'm glad you like it. You'll have to show me how to use it though," he says, laughing a little. I laugh a little as well.

"I'd love to,"


Robby, Sam, and I went to the beach and had a sandcastle building contest- which I won, we got smoothies, then went to the arcade and had a bunch of fun, even though it was hard for me not to think about Miguel.. we did get some fun pictures in the photo booth, so that was fun. It's been a really good day. We went our separate ways after I dropped Sam back at Miyagi-Do so she could get her car, then took Robby back to his apartment. For once I actually feel really good walking into the house through the front door.

I hum to myself, unable to contain my joy. I haven't had a birthday this good in years. The three of us got matching bracelets at the arcade. Not saying we're an elite group of friends, but we're an elite group of friends. I already ate, so I can just go straight to my room and vibe for the night. Things are gonna be ok-

"Parker!" I hear my dad call, his voice slightly slurred. Drunk... not as much as usual, but still drunk... I proceed to the living room where he is with caution.

"When we're planning on telling me," he asks, standing up, "that you were taking karate?"

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now