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** Her heart belonged to someone who couldn't stay. **

Since yesterday, due to the Twitter situation, I've been contemplating the act of calling Harry, just to see how he's doing and check on his thoughts about the rumors flying around the internet world. But then the worst case scenario pops into my head and I put the phone away, but then I start to think about the way his voice sounds and I start to feel tingly inside.

I have the phone back in my hands and I start to dial his number, which I know by memory. I start to walk back and forth in my room, as I wait for him to answer. I can feel Meredith's stare on me, which makes me feel even more nervous.

"Taylor?" He just answered the call. I freeze in the moment and forget everything that I planned to say. "Hello?" He says.

"Uh," I clear my throat. "Harry, hi." I am nervous and I don't know what else to say.

"Is there anything wrong?" He asks and I can tell he sounds worried.

"I just wanted to see if you are okay."

"How strange will it sound if I say that I've been wanting to know about you too?" He chuckles. "And the only thing I've come to known is that the internet now seems to know about us."

"Yeah," I let a nervous chuckle out of my lips, figuring what to say to that, since the conversation I had in mind was nothing like this. "I was going to ask about that too. You know, how you feel about it."

"I know you didn't say anything." He says as I walk out of my room, straight to the living room.

"And I know you didn't say anything. Either way," I pause. "We are over." I say, trying to sound cold and forward.

"Are we?" He asks, I freeze again. The conversation is going to a whole new direction and I did not have this planned out in my mind. I must admit it's turning to be better than what I imagined.

"I don't know what to say."

"You are the girl with the nicest words and you don't know what to say." He jokes.

I chuckle. "I'm serious! I don't know how to respond to that."

"I have to see you." He says, balantly and with no touch of hesitation.

"Come to New York." I offer.

"I'll be there tomorrow," I smile. "I love you."

"I love you." I say back, ending the call, having the biggest smile stretched on my lips.

** **

I wake up the next day with nothing but excitement. I am going to see Harry any time today and it makes me feel scared, confused, yet very happy about it. I start to walk around my room, with my chin pressed on the phone between my trembling hands. I notice Meredith playing with one of her toys and a smile appears on my face, so I unlock the phone, sliding my finger and I start to dial his number.

"Hey there." He says and then I smile like a total fool.

"Hi." I say, trying to act completely normal.

"I'll pick you up at twelve, night."

"Midnight?!" I ask, surprised.

"Got any plans blondie?"

I chuckle. "It just seems a bit strange, but I'll agree with your plans."

"I was hoping you would," He jokes. I can hear his small laugh and it makes me shiver for some weird reason. "Anyway...I can't wait to see you. It's been too long."

"I know," I press my lips together. "Midnight then."



"Okay," He chuckles. "I love you."

"I love you back." The call ends and with that, a smile forms on my lips.

** **

I wait outside the building, in the cold. The door man is falling asleep and I can't feel any of my bones. My coat is heavy and long, but it's not doing a good job as a coat. I take out my phone and it reads: 12:05 a.m. I let a sigh out of my lips and I start to think he isn't coming. As I start to walk inside the building I hear a car engine and when I turn around to see if it was him, the car is parked in front of me. I take steps closer and I see him. The windows are down and my face is just inches away from his.

"Are you driving with no headlights?"

"I didn't want people to see me."

I chuckle. "Where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere," He half smiles and I die inside. "Get in." He demands, so I get in the car and he rolls the window up. The keys are on the ignition, his hand is holding the key, but he doesn't start the car.

"What's wrong?"

"I need to," He pauses, looking straight into the rearview mirror. "I need to kiss you before." His green eyes are now staring into mine and I feel like a hurricane of emotions.

"Kiss me then," He half smiles and now his lips are on mine. Our lips together...it felt like we rehearsed too long for this moment now. My hands are now on his hair and he is holding my waist. We pull away and a smile forms on both of our lips. "Take me only you know where." He nods and then starts the car. I have no clue his plans for tonight and I don't mind.

** **

It's 2:12 a.m on the dashboard and I yawn. We were still driving down the dark of the road and it seems like and endless trip to I-don't-know-where-are-we-going.

"I'm just driving, with no destination at all."

"Oh boy..." I say, low and softly. He drives off the road and stops the car. "What are you doing?" I was starting to get mad.

"We need to talk before we do anything else."

"What's there to talk? I thought we were not going to talk at all."

"We need to figure out this."

"I know what we are and I also know what we are not." I say, a bit sad about the truth about us.

"Talk to me."

"Nothing but two random souls that had the luck to meet each other in a crazy world where people would go nuts if they ever saw these two souls hand in hand, walking down the street," I look down at my hands. "But we are not the kind to care about what others have to say."

"Let's be together then."

"It's not that simple Harry. It's never simple with us and I don't think we will ever know what simple feels like."

"What's complicated in the fact that we love each other?" His voice was now louder and I can tell in his eyes, he means every word.

"Do you love me?"

"More than you'll ever realize."

"Take me home." I demand and he follows through. He starts the car and drives down the road, the one that's too dark, but now it doesn't seem that dark.

We get to my place and as I open the door, I turn on the light, but he turns it off.

"What are you doing?" I ask, as he pulls me closer. He kisses my lips and I kiss him back, needing him.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." He says under his breath. I ask for his lips and he responds.

"I've missed you." I say last.

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