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** She danced to forget him. **

I am baking chocolate cookies while Meredith is playing with one of her toys. Sia is being loud in my ears, but I don't mind. I dance and sing along to her songs whenever I bake, because she always knows what to sing. I hear my pone ringing so I rush to the counter and answer the call.

''Hi there!'' I greet Selena with a happy tone in my voice.

''Someone is happy.'' She says, I chuckle.

''Sort of, I'm trying to be. Mind over matter!'' I state.

''I'm going out tonight with Ashley, want to join us?''

''Count me in!''

''I was hoping you'd say that. I'll text you the address later during the day,'' She clears her throat. ''We're still trying to figure out where to go.'' She chuckles. I do too.

I walk around the apartment, as I wait for the cookies to be ready. I start cleaning everywhere around the floor. Kitten toys are scattered all over the place, my bed has a pile of clothes on one corner and my closet is even messier. I sigh, as I tangle my fingers with my blond hair that right now, is a bird nest. I pick the pile and walked toward the closet, I go piece by piece, checking out everything and trying to organize every piece of clothing according to colors.

** **

I see my self in the mirror one last time before leaving the apartment. Selena and Ashley are waiting for me in a hotel a few blocks away from my place. To be honest, I'm up to anything tonight. Anything that takes my mind off those green eyes that I still can't quite erase from my memory.

I enter the car waiting for me in front of the apartment building. I watch the driver as he turns on the radio, and my song, 'Red', starts to play. The driver sets eye on me from the rearview mirror and I just look at my hands, half smiling.

After several minutes of sitting on the back seat of the car, I reach my destination point. I notice there are paparazzi waiting to capture something with their cameras. I take a deep breath and thank the driver. Suddenly, they are all in front of me. The door man helps me get inside the hotel without trouble.

''Thank you, that was very nice of you.''

''Here to help.'' He says, tilting his head down. I smile at him and walk toward the elevator.

I reach Selena's room, I take my phone out of my bag and text her. Within seconds, I see her right in front of me. She squeals like a little girl and hugs me really tight.

''I missed you so much!''

''I missed you too!'' I say back, I hug her tighter and she chuckles.

''How is New York treating my best friend, so far?'' She asks as we enter the room. I look around the place and let a sigh escape my lips.

''It's okay, I'm happy actually.'' That is a lie. I'm miserable inside, but...mind over matter.

''I'm glad to hear that,'' She throws herself on the bed and I sit on one of the corners. ''But you can't lie to me. I know you are far from being happy. I'm sorry things couldn't work out with Harry.''

''It's okay,'' I can feel my tears hiding in my throat, they are making it hard for me to speak. ''I don't feel like speaking about it. Where's Ashley?''

''She's down at the restaurant,'' She shrugs. ''Long story.'' I smile and she stands up from the bed and walks toward the bathroom.

''So, what are you going to wear?''

''Wait and see!'' She closes the bathroom door and I let a sigh escape my lips. I take my phone out of my bag and decide to check Twitter. Fan tweets always lift me up. My reading is suddenly interrupted by Selena wearing a little back dress and red heels. She twirls around like a happy little girl and I smile.

''You look so pretty! I love that dress!''

''I knew you were going to love it!'' She claps her hand in victory and twirls one last time before entering the bathroom again.

** **

The place was crowded with familiar people. I greet one to two of them, and small talk about the music industry is always a must when you encounter them. They all want collaborations or a song written or to hang out or anything else revolving around music. I don't mind, I'm always up to working with people, but tonight...I'm not.

''The music's too loud!'' I say, loud enough for Ashley to hear.

''I know!'' She chuckles. ''Where's Sel?''

''I think I saw her with Vanessa back at the bar!''

''Do you want a drink?!''

''No thanks, I'm fine!'' She nods and walks toward the bar. I stand alone in the middle of the crowd, and suddenly one of my favorite songs of all time starts to play and I don't hesitate at all to sing and dance on my own. When the songs keeps on playing, I notice people dancing and singing along with me. I look around and everyone has joy written in their faces and it's like I decide to grab a pen and write joy in my face too.

** **

In the car, Selena and Ashley are on their phones, while I gaze at the city lights. My bare feet are soar and my throat too. A smile stretches on my lips and I turn my gaze toward Selena.

''Thank you for tonight.''

''Why? It was all you.''

''I wouldn't have been really excited and happy if it wasn't for your plans, so thank you.''

''I'm glad you had a blast.'' We smile at each other and suddenly, nothing else matters.

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