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** He only saw her in his dreams. **

My heart is beating faster than normal. The dream I just had felt too real to be a dream. Why is he haunting every place I go, every thought I have during the day and even worse...every dream I have. I run my fingers through my blonde hair, as I try to recapitulate the dream itself. I get interrupted my cell phone ringing, the screen illuminating my face as I don't know what to do. Harry Styles is calling me now, at three in the morning. The ringing ends.

''Thank God.'' I whisper to myself. I let a sigh of relief escape my lips, but he calls again. My phone keeps ringing and I don't know what to do. I grab the phone and stare at the screen, as if it was a staring contest. I answer.

''Hello?'' His voice is husky, raspy. I clear my throat. I feel my fingers trembling, due to the fact I was nervous. I was hearing his voice on the other line at three in the morning and I was still figuring out what word to let out.

''Harry?'' I ask, nervous and shaking over this.

''How are you?''

''Freaked out. If we're being honest...how are you?''

''Freaked out.'' He answers the same way I did. I clear my throat.

''Why are you calling me up?''

''I want to apologize for a few hours ago at the studio, I know you heard everything.'' He knows right.

''Your friends never liked me, huh?''

''If we're being honest...'' I can already feel the word 'no' hitting my like a ton of bricks right into my face. ''No.'' I press my lips together, breathing in and breathing out. That was the answer I was expecting, yet, it hurt to hear.

''No surprise at all,'' I chuckle. ''Either way, we are over, so it doesn't matter anymore.''

''Are we over?'' He asks, making me nervous...once again.

''Harry, we've talked about this over and over again. We always run in circles and it's tiring, you know?''

''Want to know something?'' I nod, expecting my silence to indicate I do want to know. ''I love you.'' 

''Harry, for the love of God, don't do this to me. Please.''

''Don't you love me?''

''I used to.'' I lie. 

''I don't believe that. You wouldn't have answered my call if your feelings me are-''

''Stop. Playing. Games. With. Me.'' I interrupt. 

''Damn it! I'm not playing games! I just called you because I just dreamt with you and I just really wish it wasn't a dream!'' He said that and I suddenly feel my world spinning too fast for my taste. I clear my throat, trying to process what he just said and trying to think of ways to respond.


''What?!'' He asks. I can feel his mad about this whole situation.

''I dreamt with you too.''

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