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** She made friends and enemies. **

I walk into the studio with my guitar in hand. I can easily hear laughter inside the studio, but I decide to sit down on the couch, while I waited for Max to walk out. I check my twitter feed and encounter a lot of trouble some tweets on my mentions. I scroll past them, trying to look for a positive one, but there's none in sight. I let a sigh come out of lips as I notice Max walking out, giving his back to me as he seems to be talking to someone. I hear different laughs blending together, Max's is one of them. His laugh never gets lost.

''Taylor!'' Max says as he turns around in surprise. He looks a bit confused. ''It's nice to see you!''

''I know! I brought two song ideas! I know you will love them!'' I chuckle and hug him. And then I see him standing there. His curls falling to the side of his face. The expression on his face is the exact same one the other four members have.

''Taylor.'' He says, low. Max lets go of our hug and I clear my throat. I look down, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.

''Max, are we ready?'' I ask, trying not to look anywhere else but Max.

''Sure, I'll just have to finish talking with these guys and you can start, uh-'' He scratches his temple. ''You know with the guitar, the words, bla bla.''

''I will.'' I clear my throat and walk inside the room. I walk next to Harry and my knees suddenly go weak. I look at the ground, trying to avoid any eye contact. I close the door behind me, and press my body against it, trying to hear the conversation.

''Is it just me or there was some tension?'' Max asks.

''They had a thing.'' That is Louis voice. Max lets out a scoff. ''No joke.''

''Yeah, but we, well...I think she hates me.'' I shake my head and start to feel a lump in my throat. I feel like crying.

''She's crazy man,'' Louis says, chuckling. ''I'll never understand Harry and his taste in woman.'' I feel Louis words hard on me, but I try to ignore them. So I step away from the door and sit on one of the chairs. I start to play with the guitar strings and a song idea pops into my head.

''It's two a.m, in my room, headlights pass the window pane, I start to think of you.'' I sing and suddenly Max enters the room. I clear my throat, fixing my hair and thinking of anything to say.

''Keep singing.'' Max orders.

''That's all that came into my mind.''

''Taylor,'' Max says. ''There's a problem.''

''What now?''

''Ryan Tedder is coming right now to show me this song and he asked for my humble opinion. He's just going to be here for ten minutes max.''

''It's okay, I can write while you do your business.'' I say, feeling a little down, but trying so hard not to show it.

''Okay, but for now, I want you to keep singing.''

''How about this...'' I clear my throat. ''I wish you knew that I'll never forget you as long as I live, I wish you were right here, next to me, I wish you knew.'' I sing, writing down the words.

''I love it, now tell me who's this song about.''

''I think you have a pretty big and clear idea of who the song is about.'' Max chuckles and our conversation is being interrupted by Ryan entering the room.

''Max here's the demo, I have to run.'' Max stands up from the chair and greets Ryan.

''I'll give it a listen, I'll probably hate it.'' They both chuckle. I set my eyes on the paper, trying to avoid eye contact with Ryan Tedder, because well...he's Ryan Tedder.

''Taylor Swift?'' He asks, surprised.

''Hi!'' I stand up and greet him.

''Oh Lord, I love your writing.''

''I love yours!'' I reply back. ''I literally enjoy your music so much.''

''We should write one day then.''

''I'd love that,'' I chuckle. ''We should make that happen.''

''And we will! But I have to run, mom's waiting for me for some crazy celebration. See you later, I'll call you!'' He says, as he shuts the door.

''That was Ryan Tedder.'' I say to Max, surprised and internally fangirling. I smile so big, I forget everything bad.

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