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Gally's pov:

I crawled out of the metal box, with the help of Minho and Newt. I straightened myself up and looked around. I was in a large grass square with a couple of other boys, surrounded by towering stone walls. I looked to the east wall and saw something sticking over it. It then quickly disappeared and my attention was pulled away from the maze.

"Well, greenie, you should start getting ready for the bonfire." Alby said to me.

"Did you see that?" I asked, pointing to where the person once stood.

"What was it, Gally?" Minho asked, his gaze following my finger.

"I-I swear I saw someone. Someone peeking over that wall." I replied.

Alby put a hand to my shoulder and turned me to face them. "Look, greenie, if someone really was there, then they would be here with us. The truth is, the greviers will get to them if they spend a night out there." He said.

~time skip~

I sat by a tree, gazing at the wall where I saw the mystery person. I desperately waited for something, anything to happen. After a few minutes, I saw it again. But this time, it was different.

They fully stood up on the top of the wall, silhouetted by the moonlight behind them. They had something in their hands and brought it to their neck. Their other arm moved along the strange object with a stick in their hand. A beautiful melody echoed throughout the glade, causing everyone's attention to move to the walls, no one else seeing the figure.

"Hey Newt, what is that?" I asked as the Brit came over to me.

"It happens every bonfire. A mysterious melody comes out from the maze as if something in there is celebrating with us." He replied.

"How long has this been happening for?"

"Alby said that on his first night, he made a fire to calm his nerves. Not long after the fire started, a strange sort of music filled the glade, calming him more. No one knows where it came from, it's as if the music has been a part of the maze the whole time."

"Has anyone ever tried looking for the source?"

"Minho has, multiple times. He just came back every time with no news or new information."

"Okay." I need to know where it's coming from I thought. The music ended and everyone headed to bed. I crawled into my hammock and thought of a plan. Eventually I drifted off to sleep.

Your pov:

I heard the alarm and climbed the ivy to look into the glade. The British guy and the Asian one pulled a well built boy out of the box. He looked around for a bit until he made eye contact with me. I quickly ducked and prayed no one else saw me.

I tried looking over again but no one was by the box anymore, they most likely went off to prepare for the bonfire. I climbed down and ran back to my hut. Twiggy greeted me with a hug from his metal tail. "I missed you" he whirred.

"I did too." I replied as he released me.

"What did the new kid look like?"

"It was just another boy, as usual. I didn't get a good look though, he saw me and I had to hide."

"Don't worry, at least you get to play your music for the gladers again. I know you love doing that."

"Yeah. What one should I play them this time?"

"How about something simple. Just a calming tune to lull them to sleep."

"Good idea."

~time skip~

I stood on my usual perch above the glade and took in a deep breath. I brought my violin to my neck and began to play a gentle tune. The music was carried through the air and echoed all around the glade. The boys stopped what they were doing and listened. The greenie stood by a tree and looked at me, I knew I couldn't be seen properly but it brought butterflies to my stomach.

When the song finished, everyone in the glade went to bed. I climbed down the wall and went back to my hut to pack. I was going to stay out on the wall to keep an eye on things. I don't move around in my sleep so I won't have to worry about falling to my death.

I climbed back up the wall and set up my bed for the night, just a pillow and a few blankets. I curled up inter the soft fabric and placed my dragon shaped dagger near my pillow, just in case. I laid back and thought about today's greenie.

He was tall, well built and handsome from what I could see from the wall. I know I can't let them see me, but I always have this urge to introduce myself to my neighbours. I just don't know how they will react to having a random girl walk through the maze door and say that she's the one that makes the music at their bonfires. I'll see what tomorrow brings and decide weather I should say hi or not. With that, I fell asleep.

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