Romance in the glade

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Your pov:

I woke up in Gally's hammock and sleepily walked away from the sleeping area. I rubbed my eyes and headed to the noise coming from the kitchen area. "Morning Y/n!" Minho enthusiastically greeted. I just nodded my head and walked up to Frypan at the counter.

He handed me a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon. "You look like you slept well." He said, gesturing to my sleep deprived facial expression.

"Yeah, I'm not very used to sleeping in a hammock." I replied, gratefully taking my breakfast and walking to a table. I saw an empty seat in between Newt and Gally so that's where I sat.

"So what are you guys doing today?" I asked.

"Nothing much." Newt replied in between mouthfuls. "Just work and all that klunk."

"Sounds fun." I sarcastically remarked.

"What will you be doing?" Gally inquired.

"I think I'll be going home." I replied. "Twiggy probably wants to hear about everything that has happened."

"Yeah. You should go home." Jake commented while walking past our table. "Some of us here actually have work to get on with and could use less distractions."

"Piss off, Jake." Gally huffed.

"It's okay, Gally. At least some people here treat me with respect." I placed my hand on gally's and gave him a smile.

"Slim it will you, Y/n." Jake pestered.

"Va te faire foutre, Jake." The gladers gave me confused looks and some raised their eyebrows at me.

"So now you're making up words." Jake sniggered.

"It means 'kiss my ass' in French actually."

Jake just scoffed and walked away. I poked my tongue at his back and Minho laughed.

"Hey, Y/n. Could I talk to you in the deadheads before you leave?" Gally asked, hesitating a little.

"Sure." I happily replied.

Breakfast went by quickly and the boys told me funny stories about when they first came up in the box. When we finished, I grabbed my bag and met Gally at our spot in the deadheads with his back to me. He was standing in the corner, fiddling with something in his hands.

"Hey, Gally." I cheerfully greeted. "What did you want to talk about?"

Gally turned around and quickly hid what he was fiddling with behind his back. "He-hey, Y/n." He stuttered. " wanted to give you this." He handed me a gorgeous (favourite colour) rose and blushed a little.

"Oh, thank you." I carefully took the rose and admired it. "It's so beautiful."

"Yeah, not as beautiful as you though." Gally commented.


"I...I said you're beautiful."

Gally took the flower out of my hands and put it in my loose hair. I looked up at him and felt heat rising up my face. "I really like you, Y/n." Gally said.

"Like, like-like?" I asked pathetically.


"I like you too." I stood on my top toes and pecked Gally's cheek. He blushed even harder when I stood back down. I began to walk away but I was pulled into Gally, our lips smashing together.

"Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" Gally asked when we pulled away.

"Yes." I replied. "Under one condition."

"What is it?"

"Kiss me again." Gally pulled me back into him and kissed me. I didn't hesitate to kiss back, savouring the precious moment.

We pulled away from our make out session when we heard someone gagging. I turned around and saw Minho fake gagging and Newt standing behind a bush. When I made eye contact with them, Newt tackled Minho to the ground in a pathetic attempt to hide themselves.

I burst out laughing and walked up to their hiding spot. "Were you spying on us?" I asked.

The boys stood up and brushed their clothes. "Depends on how you define spying." Minho said.

"I define it as watching someone or something in order to gather information. How do you define it?" I remarked.

" many definitions are there for spying?" Minho whispered to Newt.

"That's the only definition, slinthead." Newt smacked Minho upside the head. "Yes, we were spying on you. But it was only because I'm meant to keep an eye on the greenies."

"Fair enough." I replied, satisfaction filling my voice. "I'm off now. See you guys later."

I walked to the maze entrance and ran home, overjoyed and excited to tell Twiggy the news.

Gally's pov:

Newt and Minho clapped me on the shoulder and congratulated me. I smiled and we all laughed at Minho for his actions. Newt and Minho parted and went to their jobs while I sat on my hammock, proud of myself.

"She doesn't belong here." Came Jake's voice from behind me. "We can't let her back in here."

"Back off, Jake." I snarled. "She's stuck in the maze trying to get out, too."

"Yeah, but she can talk to greviers. For all we know, she could destroy what we have here."

"Just go away. It's none of your business if she hangs out here or not."

"Eventually you will see that I'm right. That she shouldn't be trusted." Jake walked back into the shadows and left me to myself.

Y/n wouldn't hurt us. I thought. I'm certain of it.

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