Sick day

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Gally's pov:

I woke up sweating with y/n in my arms. I was confused as to why I was extremely hot but it turns out that y/n is the source of the heat. I put my hand on her forehead and she was definitely burning up a lot.

I carefully got out of bed without waking y/n up and left the hut. The medjacks are awake the earliest so Clint or Jeff should be awake, if not then I'll grab Newt. I made my way to the medjack hut and inside was Clint, cleaning the cupboards. When I entered, he turned to me and gave me a smile.

"Morning Gally, what can I do for you today?" He cheerfully asked.

"Not me this time I'm afraid." I chuckled. "But y/n's got a temperature and I'm worried."

"Well let me grab my stuff and I'll be at your place in a minute. Could you wake her up and make sure she's feeling alright?"

"Sure thing." With that I left and made my way back to my house.

Before I opened the door, I looked to where Chuck slept last night and saw that his 'bed' was empty. I shrugged it off and walked inside.

Your pov:

Chuck and I sat on the floor, looking through the box of Gally's journals. He likes to write little stories in his spare time and I like reading them when he's not here.

"And as the prince leaned down to the sleeping girl in his arms, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. The way her perfect hair fell over her eyes, her smile she always carried and her perfect tan complexion. The prince leaned closer and his lips were met with the village girl's-"

"Gross." Chuck interrupted me. "Skip the mushy stuff and get to the part where the girl slays the dragon!"

"But this is my favourite part." I complained.

We both jumped as the door opened and there stood Gally, an unamused expression painted on his face. "And what do you think you two are doing exactly?"

I quickly shut the book, gently threw it in the box and kicked it under the bed. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"So you want to play that card, then?" Gally replied, smirking and raising his eyebrows.

"What card?" I asked as I looked away from him.

"Alright then." Gally then picked me up and put me back in the bed. "You shouldn't be up and about yet, Clint's coming around in a bit to check on you."

"But I'm not sick."

"You were burning up when I woke up."

I huffed in defeat and Gally gave me a smile. He then turned to Chuck and whispered something in his ear.

"WHAT!?!" The greenie exclaimed. "How dare you tell me that! You miscreant!"

"What did he do?" I asked, concerned as one would be.

"This-this monster just informed me of what happens at the end of the book." Chuck replied.

"How dare he." I gasped.

There was then a knock on the door and Gally went to answer it. Clint was let in with his bag of stuff and walked over to me, ruffling Chuck's hair on his way. "How are you feeling this morning, y/n?"

"A little tired but some what okay." I honestly answered.

Clint then put his hand on my forehead and did some other 'doctor-y' things. "Turns out you just have a mild fever, nothing to worry about. Just make sure you're eating well and stay in bed." Clint replied when he was finished.

"Am I right to move around tomorrow?" I asked, not wanting to reschedule my plans.

"Oh yeah." Clint gave me an 'I know what's going on' smirk and nodded. "Tomorrow's completely fine."

Chuck looked between us as Gally's face paled. "I'll check on you after dinner, kay." And with that he left.

"I'm going to work, see ya." Gally gave me a kiss on the head and left as well.

"What's happening tomorrow?" Chuck finally asked.

"My favourite day of the month. Bath day." I replied, smirking.

"What do you mean?"

"I just wash Gally, Minho, Ben and Newt's hair two days after the greenie shows up."

"Why just them?"

"Simply because they aren't great with the upkeep of healthy hair."

"Would you be able to do my hair as well?"

"I don't see why not."


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