3 years later

41 4 0

Your pov:

I stood beside Gally by the box while waiting for the greenie to come up. The last one was Clint so I'm excited to see who's next. The box opened up and I could hardly see the greenie.

Alby jumped in the box and a shriek came from below. In the box was a little boy around 12 with curly brown hair. "Hey there, greenie." Alby greeted. "Let's get you out of the box."

"N-no!" The little boy yelled. "I'm not going anywhere with you!"

"You sure?" Alby asked.

"Yes! Now leave me alone!"

"Suit yourself then. Yell out for us when you want to come out."

Alby climbed out of the box, leaving the scared green bean behind. I gave him a puzzled expression but he just shrugged it off. Everyone else walked away from the box but I stayed behind.

Gally squeezed my hand and lead me to the deadheads. "But...the greenie's still there?" I retaliated, pulling my arm back.

"And he'll call for us when he wants to come out." Gally calmly argued, picking me up bridal style. "Now I set up a date for us in the deadheads and I am not letting good food go to waste."

Gally carried me all the way to out corner in the deadheads where a picnic blanket was. He put me down and sat beside me, scrummaging through the basket. "I've got strawberries dipped in chocolate, little cupcakes and a bottle of my special drink. What do you want first?"

"What I want first is to know what's in that special drink. You've kept me in the dark about it for three years, I deserve to know." I said.

"Nope. That secret comes with me to the grave." Gally dramatically replied. "I'll go with the cupcakes instead."

~time skip~

It had been a few hours and Fry was starting to get dinner ready. I walked past the box and heard sobbing. I opened the box doors and jumped in. It was still light out so I could easily see the little greenie curled in a ball in the corner.

"Hey, it's okay." I put my hand on the boy's shoulder and he looked into my eyes. "You're safe here."

"How can you be sure?" He asked, wiping his eyes with his sleeves.

I cupped his face in my hands and wiped his tears. "Because you have me and about 40 big brothers out there excited to meet you."

"What's your name?"

"Y/n. What about you?"

"Chuck. My name's Chuck."

"How about we introduce you to your glade brothers."

Chuck and I climbed out of the box and was met with Gally, Minho and Newt. I could tell Chuck was scared because he clung to me and hid behind me.

"I see you have a way with kids, Y/n." Gally said.

"It appears I do." I glanced at Chuck and smiled. "Guys, this is Chuck. Chuck meet Gally, Minho and Newt."

"Sup kid." Minho greeted.

"Hi." Chuck replied.

"What do you say to a bit of dinner and a party?" Newt offered.

"That sounds nice. I am kind of hungry." Chuck cheerily responded.

The five of us walked to the kitchen and had dinner which consisted of chicken, salad and a seasoned bread roll. Afterwards we all headed out to the bonfire.

Chuck was overjoyed with all the attention he was getting and I laughed when he tried Gally's drink. I sat down on a log next to Gally while he talked with Ben and Zart. Chuck then came up to me and snuggled into my arms.

"What's new with you?" I asked, hugging him back.

"I think I'll really like it here." Chuck replied, the smile never leaving his face.

"That's good to know."

"Newt said you sang for the boys every now and then. Is that true?"

"Yeah. When I first met the boys, they were constantly stressed out so I would bring out my violin and play for them."

"Could you sing for me?"

"What do you want me to sing?" I asked, fixing my posture.

"Maybe a lullaby. I'm a little tired."

"Very well then."


As I sang, the boys all stopped and listened. Gally and Newt stared at me in awe and Chuck began to dose off. When I finished, I looked down at the little bundle of cuteness in my lap.

"Nicely done, Y/n." Came a rude voice from behind me. "Sing the greenie to sleep. Good luck getting him to bed."

"Piss off, Jake." Minho retaliated.

"Just saying that one of you boys might need to help her get him to where he's meant to be." Jake put his hands up in defence.

I just ignored him and picked up Chuck, barely struggling. All the gladers looked at me in shock, including Jake. "Listen Jake, I would love to stay here and chat but I've got to get Chuck and myself to bed."

"You're a wuss if you're going to bed this early." Jake laughed.

"Actually, I'm mildly unwell today. Yet I seem to be able to do more work than you ever have with illness." I barked.

The gladers looked between us as if this was the best thing all week. Jake just scoffed and walked off. I smirked in amusement and left to find a place for Chuck to stay.

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