PROLOGUE || New Student

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starting a new school isn't easy,
but what'll happen when the school bully is
already targeting you?


"are you really sure you'll be okay on your first day? i don't want anything ba-"

"mom seriously, i'm fine. now can you just let me get out of the car?" you cut your mother off, reassuring her for what felt like the millionth time that morning as she worried about you.

your mother stared at you for a moment, before letting a soft smile spread across her lips, "okay, honey. have fun today, okay?" she said, leaning over to give you a quick kiss on the cheek goodbye.

"okay, mom! bye i love you!" you said quickly, swiftly climbing out of the car before your mother could speak again, letting go of a sigh when you heard her drive away.

you stood in place for a moment, staring up at your new school. to be honest, you weren't exactly the most excited to start at this school. you hated the idea of having to make new friends, you hated the idea of starting anew, but unfortunately, you had no other choice but to.

letting out another sigh, you lowered your head and took your first steps towards and into your new school.


michael stood in the school's courtyard, back leaned against a tree, foot propped up on said tree and hands buried in his jacket pockets. his friends stood in front of of him, forming a sort of circle to the best of their abilities with only four people.

michael and his friends stood, laughing and conversing with each other, not really paying attention to any of their surroundings, until michael's gaze became fixated on something, no— someone.

"hey, guys. look over there." michael said to the people surrounding him, pushing himself off of the tree with his foot and standing up straight, nodding his head in the direction he was looking in.

"a new kid, eh?" one of his friend stated with a smirk on his face, placing his elbow on michael's shoulder and his hand on his hip. "should we go give them a nice welcome to the school?" another one of michael's friends spoke up, a smirk appearing on his face as well.

michael chuckled, "of course we should. what kind of hosts would we be if we didn't?" he stated, leading the way for his three friends as they began to walk towards the new student.

"hey! new kid!" michael called out once the gap between the two was close to being closed. everyone in the courtyard turned to face him, shock immediately showing on their faces.

you just stopped walking, standing still for a few moments, before turning to face the group that was following you, "yes?" you asked slowly, your expression completely flat. michael smirked, "we just wanted to give you a warm welcome to the school." he stated with a fake sweet tone, gesturing to his friends.

you squinted your eyes at the group, "cool. thanks." you said bluntly, turning away from the four and walking away.

michael's smirk flattened, eyebrows knitting together in a frown. he began to walk again, following after you once again, his group not far behind. "what? we give you a nice welcome to the school and that's what we get in return?" he asked, now right behind you hot on your tail.

you tensed up a bit in frustration, tightening your fists as you began to walk faster. michael's smirk returned once he saw you were getting irritated, "aw now you're ignoring us? how rude." he chuckled, now leaning down a little to be level with your ear.

you let out a groan of frustration, stopping in your tracks once again and turning to face the taller male, who still had his stupid smug smirk on his face. "will you just leave me alone? i'm not in the mood for this bullshit!" you shouted, causing michael to widen his eyes and back off a little.

this was the first time anyone had stood up to michael and honestly, he was a little excited. his smug smirk returned when he watched you turn your back on him once again and walk off, him and his friends following after once again.

"ooh a little fiesty one, eh? this'll be interesting." he teased, once again leaning down to to be level with your ear.

that was it.

you snapped.

you stopped walking once again, standing with your fists balled and jaw clenched. you were already irritated enough this morning with not wanting to start at this new school and your mother's overbearing worrying, and having this stupid boy follow you around and harassing you made it so hard to keep it together.

you tried to calm yourself down, shutting your eyes and trying to breathe, you didn't want to do anything stupid on your first day.

but of course, michael couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"what's wrong, love? cat got your tongue?" he teased once again, still at the same level as your ear.

before you could do or say anything, you lifted your arm, before pulling it back harshly and jamming your elbow straight into michael's nose.

michael yelled in pain, immediately pulling away from you and placing his hand over his nose. everyone in the courtyard gasped, not really believing what they saw.

michael moved his hands away from his face, noticing the blood starting to drip from his nose. he looked from his bloody hand and then to you, but you had already started to walk away from him by this point.

he stared in disbelief as he watched you get further away, looking down at his bloody hand once again, before gently touching his nose and wincing at the pain. "dude... are you okay?" his friend asked, moving to stand in front of michael to get a better look at the damage.

"oh my god. they really did a number on you!" another member of his group spoke, trying his best to hold back his laughter.

michael still couldn't process what just happened. he was in shock, angry, in pain and a little... flustered?

he replayed the event over and over in his mind and every time it made his heart beat faster and his cheeks grow redder. was he falling in love?

lost in his thoughts, michael didn't come back to reality, until he felt his friend shaking him, "dude are you good? we've been trying to get your attention for like a couple minutes now!" his friend stated.

michael looked down at his hand once again, before looking up at his friends, who were all looking at him in concern.

"guys... i think i'm in love."



TASTE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE. michael aftonWhere stories live. Discover now