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chapter twelve


today is
the day woohoo!!!


'today is the day... henry better know what he's talking about.'

michael thought to himself as he walked into the front gates of the school. today was finally the day he would put his plan that he had spent all day yesterday planning. he was pretty confident it would work, was it perfect? absolutely not, but he still had faith. somewhat.

his plan was that he'd leave you alone. obviously not completely, but he won't annoy you as much as he used to throughout the day. he'd just wait to have a moment alone with you and talk to you then, so that way he won't be caught letting his bad boy persona slip.

it obviously wasn't the greatest plan he could come up with, but it's all he could think of on a short notice, so if this didn't work he'd either have to give up or find a new plan, but hopefully it doesn't come down to either of those options.

he walked through the courtyard, going to stand in the place he and his friends would usually stand at in the mornings, leaning his back against the tree and scanning the small crowd of people that stood around, hands in his pockets.

as he scanned the surrounding area, he spotted you walking through the front gates, having just arrived to school. he smiled to himself, watching as you walked further into the courtyard with your head down. he watched as you got closer to him, waiting for the right moment to call out to you.

"good morning, doll." he spoke once you were close enough to him, a small smirk on his lips, he watched as you stopped walking, lifting your head to look up at him with a scowl, before scoffing and continuing your walking.

he chuckled to himself, just the reaction he was expecting. he had told himself many time to not get hurt so much over your rude actions, because he knew he was the reason why you acted that way towards him in the first place, so obviously you wouldn't be that jazzed whenever he talked to you, with a nice tone or not.

he continued to watch you walk away for a moment, before shaking his head with his smirk still on his face.

he knows it'll take a while, but eventually. hopefully. you'll at least warm up to him.


'i'm so tired of him calling me "doll", who does he think he is?' you mentally complained to yourself, scoffing as you recalled all the times michael had called you that god damn nickname. normally you wouldn't particularly mind being called something like that, but michael's stupid teasing tone ruined it for you.

you sighed, turning to face your locker, beginning to put in your code to open it and grab all the necessities you need and put your unwanted stuff in there. as you were preoccupied with your current task, you felt someone suddenly grab your shoulders, "boo!" you heard someone say, causing you to gasp loudly and turn to face behind you, only to be greeted with the giggles and the cheeky grin of charlie.

"god damn it, charlie! don't do that!" you exclaimed, placing a hand over your now racing heart, trying to calm your breathing. charlie just continued her giggle fit, covering her mouth with her hand. "sorry, i couldn't help myself." she apologised after her giggles had subsided.

once your breathing became more even, you smiled, turning back to face your locker, "do you want me to have a heart attack?" you sarcastically asked, closing your locker and locking the door. charlie let out a fake gasp at your question, "i would never do such a thing." she played into the joke, before going back into a laughing fit with you joining in.

the two of you began to walk further into the school building, heading to your first classes since the bell would be ringing soon. "i think we have biology first." charlie stated after the laughter had died down, you groaned loudly, "not biology." you cried.

this was quite possibly the worst thing to happen. the last thing you wanted was to deal with michael first thing in the morning, but here you were about to face that nightmare. you couldn't even tell yourself that he wouldn't show up to class, because you knew that if you were there, he would be there and that is a fate worse than hell.

"just try to tune him out for the class. hopefully he'll back off if you ignore him enough." charlie said as she pat you on the back, but any kind of reassuring she does now just gets thrown out the window when she's proven wrong by michael.

you just smiled up at her, thankful she's still trying to be as helpful as ever. "i'll try." you said with a nod of your head, standing up straight when you saw your classroom come into view. you and charlie entered, making your way over to your guy's usual desk you sat at, the one in front of the one in the back corner.

you sighed and crossed your arms on the desk as you sat down, placing your head on top of them, dreading for the living nightmare you were about to face.

this was just your luck.



another short chapter sorry yall :((
and sorry for another late update, i have been too busy simping and thirsting over nanami kento from jujutsu kaisen he has consumed my every thought and rotted my brain severely

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