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chapter seven


second day at
your new school


'here we go again...'

you thought to yourself as you stood out front of your school's gate once again, sighing before walking into the courtyard.

you dreaded today, because not only would you have to deal with michael and his little gang once again, but the image of michael's genuine smile that you haven't been able to get out of your head would be ruined in a matter of seconds.

you knew he would go straight back to being his usual bad boy self today after being so nice and it almost made the storm you knew was coming your way even more unbearable to face.

you were pulled out of your thoughts as you felt a nudge to your side. you flinched slightly at the sudden contact as you looked up at your side, spotting the familiar face of charlie who was smiling brightly at you.

you relaxed at the sight of your friend, smiling back at her, "hey, charlie." you greeted, charlie returning the greeting. "how are you feeling today?" she asked, shoving her hands into her jacket pockets.

you sighed at her question, "honestly, i'm feeling kind of weird today." you admitted, causing charlie to raise an eyebrow at you, "why is that?" she asked again, tilting her head to the side.

you stopped walking for a moment, before pulling her to the side by her wrist, standing behind a tree that lined the courtyard pathway. you looked around your surroundings to make sure no one was in earshot, which only cause charlie to get more suspicious.

"michael was nice to me after school yesterday." you said, keeping your voice low. charlie stared at you for a moment, blinking her eyes a few times before she spoke up, "what?" was all she said.

"it was like a couple minutes after you left, he asked if i needed a ride home while i was waiting for my mom to pick me up and then he offered to wait with me when i declined his offer." you explained, scratching the back of your head in confusion.

"he wasn't being his usual self?" charlie asked, you shook your head no, "i haven't been able to stop thinking about it, because it's all so... confusing." you stated, slumping your shoulders.

"his overall behaviour around you has been confusing honestly. he has never acted this way with anyone." charlie told, now it was her turn to scratch her head in confusion. you groaned, "why does he have to be so frustrating?" you dragged a hand down the side of your face.

"he can go from being a giant asshole to being so nice, just... ugh!" you growled at the end of your sentence, balling your fists. charlie was about to speak up, but was cut off by the first bell ringing, so she just opted to gently grab ahold of your wrist.

"forget about him for now. come on, lets get to class." she smiled at your softly. you just nodded, before following charlie as she began to walk towards the school building.


"do you think if i be more nice to them they'll start to like me?" michael asked, looking between his friends who stood in front of him.

the four boys were currently doing their usual routine of skipping class by hiding behind the school, although it was kind of useless to hide since the teachers just kind of gave up on getting them to come to class.

his friend who stood to the right of him scoffed, "be nice? are you serious? no one likes a nice guy, mike." he spoke, taking a puff of the cigarette he snuck into school.

"keep showing them your bad boy style and they'll surely start swooning over you." another of his friends spoke up, crossing his arms over his chest, "keep going after them. people really dig persistent guys." his third friend chimed in with his own advice.

michael just stood silently, listening to all the things they said. he did appreciate his friends trying to help him with his crush, but he couldn't help but feel their advice was absolutely horrible.

he noticed how every time he showed you his genuine side you wouldn't get irritated and tense up, so everything in him was telling him to just drop the bad boy persona in front of you and just be nice.

but also, his friends were a little more advanced in the dating scene than he was, so maybe they were right?

he decided to follow his friends' advice at least somewhat. his friends have dated many people, so they couldn't be that wrong. it was worth a try at least.

michael was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt an arm wrap around his shoulders, hearing his friend chuckle, "it's about time you found intrest in someone, mike. ya late bloomer." he said, pulling michael's head down by his shoulders to rub his knuckles on the tall boy's head.

michael just pushed his friend off of him, glaring at him as he fixed his ruffled hair, "i've been interested in people before! just never this much." michael defended, shoving his hands into his jean pockets.

"and all it took was an elbow to the nose. god you really do have a thing for pain." his friend laughed. michael's cheeks burned up, "will you shut up about that?! i don't have a thing for pain!" michael exclaimed, only causing his friends to burst out into a fit of laught.

"michael's a masochist!" his friend exclaimed through his laughter, beginning to clutch the sides of his stomach. michael's face began to burn up more, "i'm not! shut up!" he exclaimed, really not helping his case whatsoever.

"it's okay that you like pain, buddy. we're not gonna kinkshame you." his friend teased after he had calmed down from his laughing fit, placing a hand on michael's shoulder and wiping away a tear that welled up in his eye while laughing.

"but i'm not into pain!" michael exclaimed once again. his other friend only scoffed at the defense, "yeah right, masochist mike." he said, only causing the other three to laugh once again, but not as hard this time.

michael just rolled his eyes at the laughing trio, crossing his arms.

"you're all insufferable."



TASTE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE. michael aftonWhere stories live. Discover now