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chapter nine


he has a
different plan??


"it was a living hell, charlie. you don't understand."

you exasperated, propping your elbow up on the table top and resting your cheek on your palm, staring down blankly at the bland looking school lunch you got just moments ago. you currently sat in the school's cafeteria, charlie sitting next to you, her face contorted in a frown from you telling her about the time you just had sharing a class by yourself with michael.

"god how did you even survive that?" she asked, taking a bite of her sandwich, "i honestly don't know, he was so annoying. thank god he left me alone for the rest of the class though." you sighed, picking at small parts of your food.

"you really should give him another blow to the nose. he deserves it." charlie giggled, swallowing the bite she had just taken, "i absolutely would, but i'm not about to get suspended or expelled, i'm still new here." you sighed, removing your elbow from the table and pushing the lunch tray away from you.

"well, hopefully he isn't in the rest of your classes today." charlie said with a shrug, shoving the last bite of her sandwich into her mouth, dusting any stray crumbs off of her hands, "i can only hope to be that lucky. he said we have a fair amount of classes together, but didn't say which ones." you groaned, slumping your shoulders.

"the best advice i can give you is just to stay on your guard and hope he does his usual routine of skipping classes." charlie said after swallowing her mouthful, gently patting you on the back, offering all she could, which wasn't much, but you still appreciated it.

you sighed, crossing your arms on the table top and resting your forehead against them, "why can't he just leave me alone?" you grumbled. having michael following you around and targeting you made this already stressful environment even more stressful, you were beginning to think being homeschooled by your mom was a better option than having to go to this school everyday.

charlie kept her hand on your back, now rubbing comforting circles on it as you sulked, "hey, hey it's okay! usually michael gets bored with messing with a single person after a while. just wait it out and he'll probably leave you be." she tried her best to comfort you.

"i don't know if i can wait it out though. if he keeps going, i'm just gonna suck it up and take that suspension." you stated, sitting back up straight and moving your hand to sit them in your lap. "if i'm being completely honest, that suspension would be worth it. i mean, a week or so without michael harassing you sounds like a gift from god." charlie exclaimed, using her hands to exaggerate her sentence.

well... when you put it like that... the suspension really is worth it. a period of time away from school, no annoying british boy hovering over your shoulder, no stress. it sounded amazing.

however... the disappointment you would bring your mother and her punishments definitely didn't make it worth it. so you decided to keep your hands to yourself for now.

you sighed, "no, i can't take the suspension. my mom would never let me forget it." you slumped your shoulders, looking down at your fidgeting hands in your lap. "oh yeah... your parents wouldn't really like that, would they?" charlie said, propping her elbow up on the table and resting her cheek in her hand.

TASTE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE. michael aftonWhere stories live. Discover now