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chapter five


finally, he left you alone...
for now.


"wow they really aren't giving you the time of day, huh?"

michael's friend snickered as he and the other's finally caught up to the tall boy, the three looking over their shoulders and watching as you and charlie raced off back into the building.

michael ignored his friend's teasing, continuing to stare in the direction you left, his face in a slight, but barely noticeable, frown. he wasn't angry at you, but was just annoyed with himself for not being able drop his bad boy persona in front of you.

he knew that he'd be able to actually have a conversation with you if he just talked with you, but his persona provided him the right amount of confidence to walk up to you.

and he couldn't just let the whole school see him being a nervous mess. his high status among his peers would fall and he definitely couldn't let his ego take that hit, it would ruin him.

michael sighed, lowering his head to look at his feet, "i think i'll leave them alone for the rest of the day." he said, looking up at his friends, who all stared at him with confusion and raised eyebrows.

"why? i thought you wanted to get closer with them?" his friend spoke up, tilting his head to the side. "i do, but i'm getting no where if i keep pestering them. i'll try to talk to them more tomorrow." michael stated, pushing passed his friends to walk.

his friends stayed behind him, watching as he walked off, before turning to look at each other with confusion still on their faces. they didn't say anything, before they just shrugged their shoulders and followed after michael.


for the rest of the day, you were in pure bliss. michael hadn't tracked you down and interrupted your conversations with charlie or even spoke a word to you. it was truly a blessing from the universe.

although every now and then michael would pass you in the hallways or you would pass him in the courtyard and he'd either wink at you or teasingly blow a kiss your way, to which you would only scoff and roll your eyes at, moving on with your day and ignoring it.

"i can't believe mike is leaving you alone now. he never does that with anyone." charlie stated as the two of you walked out of the building, the last bell of the day ringing, a confused expression on her face. you sighed in relief, a small smile creeping on your face, "it feels so great, but i have a feeling it won't long." you said.

charlie hummed at your comment, pursing her lips together, "you're probably right, i'd say be on your guard tomorrow." she added. "i guess i better work on my elbowing technique then." you joked, rolling your shoulder to act like you were stretching, charlie giggled at the joke, sarcastically agreeing with you to play in on the joke.

you and charlie had exited out of the front of the school by now, she had spotted her father's car just a few feet away from the entrance and had bid you goodbye before walking off, leaving you alone to wait for your mother.

you stood right next to the open gate as to not be directly in the way of people, leaning your back against the small brick pillar of the entrance, looking down both ways of the road getting ready to spot your mother.

"you need a ride home, doll?" a voice asked from beside you, one you knew all too well. you looked up at the person beside you and, just as you were expecting, there stood michael, looking down at you with a smile, a genuine one like you saw back in biology class.

you stared up at him for a moment, admiring his smile. you had to admit, when it wasn't a stupid smirk, his smile was really beautiful. before you could catch yourself staring you moved your gaze away from him and stared at the road in front of you, "no thanks, my mom will be here soon." you stated bluntly.

"oh well, would you like for me to wait with you?" michael asked, his tone still genuine, you shook your head no, "i'll be fine." you said, your tone still blunt.

"alright, be safe." michael said, before walking off. you let go of a breath you didn't know you were hold, slumping your shoulders. why was he being so nice all of a sudden? if he acted like that with you throughout the day then maybe you'd actually talk to him.

before you could question it for too long, your mother finally arrived, pulling up in a spot just a little ways away from you. you walked over to the car, hoping into the front passenger seat next to your mom.

"sorry i was a little late, i got a little too deep into unpacking." your mother chuckled, turning to face you as you sat down, closing the door and pulling on your seatbelt. "it's fine, you didn't keep me waiting for too long." you smiled up at your mother.

"so how was it?" your mother asked, glancing at you for a moment, before looking back at the road, pulling out of the spot she stopped at, "it was... fine." you said slowly, hoping your tone didn't sound suspicious. "that's great, did you make any friends?" your mother continued with the questions.

"yeah actually!" you beamed, a smile forming on your lips, "her name's charlie." you added. your mother just smiled softly, "i'm glad you're having a great start. i hope i can meet charlie someday." your mother rambled, her smile seemingly only getting wider as she talked.

you just nodded and looked down at your lap, fidgeting with your hands. you obviously decided against telling your mother about what happened this morning and about the whole ordeal with michael, because you knew it would blow her over the edge.

not only would she be extremely mad at you for elbowing someone in the face, but her worries over you would only heighten, because of michael and his gang.

and if she ever found out that they're the school's biggest bullies... let's just say you'll most likely never be allowed to leave the house again.

but as long as she never knew, you'll be able to live a free and happy life!

you just had to keep your lips zipped.



TASTE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE. michael aftonWhere stories live. Discover now