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chapter two


will this egotistical
asshole ever leave you


"you got your schedule and everything you need for the day?"

charlie asked you as the two of you walked out of the classroom together, the first period of the day already over. you quickly checked your backpack, making sure you actually did have everything you needed.

after confirming that you had everything with you, you nodded your head, "yeah, i've got everything, thank god." you chuckled. charlie smiled, "okay cool! what class do you have now? i'll take you there." she stated.

you pulled your schedule out, reading what you had for the rest of the day. "i have biology next." you sighed, letting the hand holding up your schedule fall to your side, "oh i have that too! come on, the class is this way!" charlie beamed, grabbing your wrist suddenly, dragging you through the crowd to make it to the next classroom.

you could only stumble as charlie walked at a fast pace, weaving through the many other students that were walking in multiple directions all around you, but thankfully the class wasn't far from you, so you weren't struggling to find your footing for long.

you stood in front of the door for a moment, using charlie to help balance yourself properly before walking into the classroom. charlie guided you to a desk in the middle row, the two of you sitting down at said desk.

"um... i do have to warn you that michael is in this class, but he usually doesn't show up, because he's not the biggest fan of it." charlie explained, a small grimace on her face. you groaned, "great. just my luck." you placed your head down on the table, utterly defeated.

"hey, it's okay. i swear he never comes to this class, i highly doubt he'll come in." charlie tried to comfort you, placing a hand on your back and patting it gently. you turned your head to look up at her, her gentle smile that she has worn pretty much the whole time you've known her still on her face.

"besides if he does show up, i'm sure michael is smart enough to not mess with you again. i'm sure he knows not to pick fights he can't win." charlie chuckled, removing her hand from your back. you sighed, sitting up straight, "but you said no one's ever stood up to him like that. what if he does pick fights he can't win?" you worried, really not wanting to make anything worse for yourself.

charlie sighed, knowing there was some truth to your statement, staying silent for a moment as she thought of something to say. she pursed her lips before a thought crossed her mind, "just stay by me when we're at school. michael usually doesn't mess with me." she smiled at you.

you smiled back at her, "you're too kind, charlie." you chuckled, charlie joining in, "just trying to actually make sure that the new kid feels welcomed." she said, playfully nudging your arm with her elbow.

before the two of you could continue talking with each other, the teacher walked into the classroom, quickly quieting the class down before starting the lesson. you huffed silently, turning your attention towards your new teacher.

you placed your elbow on top of your desk, resting your cheek in your palm, letting go of a sigh.

you really hoped michael wouldn't show up.

TASTE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE. michael aftonWhere stories live. Discover now