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chapter four


here he is again...
here he fucking is.


"such idiots."

michael scoffed, taking a quick glance over his shoulder at his friends, who were now a little ways behind him. he walked out of the school building and into the front courtyard, his friends still trying to catch up to him. he walked down the small flight of stairs of the entrance of the building, stopping when he reached the bottom step.

he scanned the crowd for a moment. he caught a glimpse of you walking this way back in the hallway, maybe he could find you in the crowd.

as if his prayers had been answered, he spotted you in the crowd. you were standing next to a tree, charlie standing in front of you. the two of you were deep in conversation, your expression bright as you babbled on about an interest of yours to the girl in front of you, who seemed to be just as excited about the topic as you.

a wide, dorky grin spread across michael's lips as he stood and stared for a moment, the feeling of his heart almost leaping out of his chest that he had gotten used to over the course of the day now back once again. he shook his head and cleared his throat, roughly patting his chest in a useless attempt to get his heart to slow down.

he stood up straight, placing his hands into his jacket pockets once again, taking a deep breath, before confidently striding over towards you... his annoying smug smirk back on his face.


"i really like their music too! they're a great band." charlie beamed, a bright smile on her face. the two of you spent the last few minutes getting to know each other's interests, like what bands you two were in to, what shows you liked watching the, favourite movies, etc.

for the first time today, you were actually feeling happy and relaxed, all the frustrations from this morning seemingly had disappeared...

but that short moment of bliss was soon shattered as per usual.

"hey, doll." that stupid british accent that never left your head spoke. your breathing immediately hitched, stopping in your throat, you turned to face michael, who stood next to you, leaning a shoulder on the tree you stood next to with his arms and legs crossed, his smug smirk immediately filling you with annoyance and anger.

you narrowed your eyes at him, "what do you want?" you asked harshly, not really caring if your tone was full of anger. michael let out a soft chuckle, "i just want to talk is all. maybe get to know each other." he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

you scoffed, "i'm already talking with someone right now, so please fuck off." you spat, turning to face charlie once again. "ooh still as fiesty as ever i see." michael chuckled, his smirk now a wide grin. you let out a deep sigh, clenching your eyes shut for a moment before harshly whipping your body back to face the boy, a scowl on your face, "look if you're asking for another elbow to the nose just say it." you growled, staring daggers at the smug boy in front of you.

michael's smug expression faltered a little at your threat, his eyes a widening a little, before falling back into that god forsaken smirk, "aw come on, doll. you wouldn't want to break this handsome face any further right?" he teased, a fake pout on his lips. you clenched your jaw and fists, getting read to have another repeat of this morning, before you felt a soft hand clutch around your wrist.

you opened your eyes to look down at your hand, following the hand clutching your wrist up, before your gaze landed on charlie's face, her expression harsh and her eyes shooting daggers straight into michael. "sorry, but we have some business to attend to. goodbye." she deadpanned, not even giving michael a chance to speak before speeding off with you.

after charlie pulled you into the school building, she made sure to not stay too close to the doorway and make is hard for michael to come find you two, at least for a moment. "he really is just asking for it, isn't he?" she sighed, slinging a strap of her backpack off of her shoulder and pulling it around to the front of her before opening the zipper and rummaging through it.

you groaned, "i just want him to leave me alone." you slumped your shoulders, turning to rest your back against the wall you were standing by, dramatically slinding down it until you sat on the floor, hugging your knees to your chest and burying your face in between them.

charlie had stopped rummaging through her backpack, finding what she was looking for, "here, take this." she said, holding out a bottle of water to you. you took it with a quick thank you, screwing the lid off and pouring some into your mouth, the semi-cold liquid calming you down a little.

"for someone who cares so much about his looks, he sure is eager to ruin them." charlie giggled, slinging the loose strap of her backpack back onto her shoulder. you let out a soft chuckle at her comment, a comfortable silence falling between you two afterwards.

you were really greatful that charlie had chosen to get your attention in your first class together, because if it wasn't for her you definitely would be in the principal's office right now, facing either expulsion or suspension on your first day.

you pulled you head back, resting it on the wall and looking up at the ceiling, closing your eyes before breathing a sigh of contentment. "thank you... for being so nice." you spoke, breaking the long silence, opening your eyes and looking over at charlie.

taken aback by the sudden thanks, charlie stood wide eyed for a moment, before her surprised expression melted into a soft smile, "it's no problem at all." she said with a giggle, you smiled up at her gently.

she really was too kind.

you were greatful to have her as a friend.



TASTE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE. michael aftonWhere stories live. Discover now