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uhhh heyyyy yall....... long time no see 😅😅

i'm so sorry to get your hopes up with a notification only for it to not be another chapter of this fanfic, but i really have to make this update just to give me and you guys some peace of mind.

as of right now i am deciding to discontinue this fanfic, because i don't have the motivation to continue it and i'm not as passionate about fnaf and michael as i was when i first started it.

when i posted the announcement that my updates would be slower, i really had no intention of dropping it for four damn months and i'm sorry i never picked it back up after that and left you guys hanging.

i hate to leave the story off just when it was starting to get good but i really can't bring myself to write for it again :')))

hopefully in the future i get my interest in fnaf back and get some motivation to continue it (take that with a GIGANTIC grain of salt, i absolutely cannot promise that) but right now i can't sorry :')))

thank you all so much for the support and love you gave this fic, it really made me happy to see so many people give this silly little story so much praise, this was the first time in a long time since a fic of mine has blown up this big and i'm so grateful for it <3333

once again so sorry for leading you all on with this and giving you guys false hope in its return when clearly it was not.

i love you all and please... for your own sake... read some michael fanfics that have an author that is better at keeping on track with their story than me 😭😭😭

thank you all so much and goodbye ❤️

TASTE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE. michael aftonWhere stories live. Discover now