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chapter one


big bad bully has
a little crush~~


"i don't know why i'm feeling like this, i mean they literally jabbed me in the nose but— ow fuck!"

michael's rambling was cut off by his friend pressing a damp clump of toilet paper to his nose in an attempt to clean off the dried blood from his face. "can you shut up about them for a minute? you're making it harder to clean you up." his friend scolded, beginning to gently scrub at the blood.

michael sighed, "sorry, it's just... no one's ever stood up to us like that, it was very exciting." he beamed, patting his face dry with the sleeve of his jacket once his friend took away the damp paper ball from his nose.

another one of his friends chuckled from the other side of the bathroom, "yeah, a little too exciting." he said, trying his hardest to hold his laughter in. michael raised a brow at his friend, not really getting what he was talking about.

his friend looked up at him, catching the tall boy's confused expression, only causing the other boy's laughter to finally flow out, "oh come on, mike! it's practically hanging out of your pants already!" he exclaimed, hunching over as he continued to laugh.

michael's eyes widened, finally catching on to what his friend was pointing out. he looked down and sure enough, the crotch part of his jeans was a little more raised than usual.

immediately he grabbed the ends of his jacket, covering himself up, cheeks already a dark shade of red in embarrassment. "i-it's not like that! i swear!" he stammered, causing all of his friends to burst out laughing.

"sure, mike. do you need a few moments by yourself in a stall?" the friend who was previously cleaning him up teased, placing a hand on michael's shoulder. michael groaned, "fuck all of you." he mumbled, turning his head to avoid all of his friends' gazes.

they continue to laugh at the poor boy.

they'll never let him live this one down.


you sighed, slumping down in an empty seat of your first class of the day. the classroom was fairly empty since there was still some time before all the students were required to be in class.

you crossed your arms on the table, placing your head on top of them. you thought back to the events that just happened, guilt consuming you as you replayed the boy's pained yell when you elbowed him.

why did you do that? what if he actually was just trying to welcome you to the school and you completely fucked up your chances of making any real friends? now everyone was just going to see you as the delinquent who elbowed a poor guy for just trying to make you feel welcomed into a new environment.

you groaned, closing your eyes. what would your mother think about this?

while you were in your own world sulking, you didn't notice the person standing next to you, watching you and debating if they wanted to get your attention or not.

ultimately they decided to get your attention, seeing as they gently tapped you on the shoulder, causing you to jump at the sudden contact and shoot up straight. you looked up at them, it was a girl, she had long brown hair and lightly tanned skin.

she looked down at you, smiling gently, "sorry to bother you, but um..." she began to speak, pursing her lips as she paused for a moment, thinking of what to say. you stared up at her, waiting for her to continue to speak.

"i just wanted to ask if you were okay? i saw what happened just before and just wanted to see how you're doing." she continued, the gentle smile appearing on her lips again. you raised an eyebrow at her, why was she asking if you were okay? you're not the one who got an elbow to the nose.

"i'm... fine. but why are you asking me that? you should be asking if that poor dude is okay." you said, slouching you back a bit as you relaxed. the girl sighed, sitting down in the seat next to you, "he's not worth the time." she said, waving off what you said, which confused you more.

"you know... it was actually really cool that you did that." the girl exclaimed, staring up at you again, her gentle smile now a wide and excited grin. you knitted your eyebrows in confusion, cool? what did she mean by that?

"cool?" you asked slowly, the girl nodded, "yeah! you see, that guy's name is michael and he and his friend have been this school's biggest bullies for years. everyone's been wanting to do something like that to him for years now, but they've been too scared to." she explained.

your eyes widened and you tensed up at the explanation, you really elbowed the school bully in the nose on your first day?

oh god... you fucked up...

you're new here and already made yourself enemies with the bully. you just made school a whole lot harder for yourself.

but also... you don't feel as bad for elbowing him in the nose now.

you sighed, forcing yourself to relax again, "well... at least i could give everyone some entertainment." you chuckled, crossing your arms on your desk again, placing your chin on top of your arms.

the girl beside you let out a small laugh, "i bet in no time people will be flocking to you to protect them from michael." she stated, patting you on the back. you just huffed at that statement, a small smile creeping its way onto your face.

"oh yeah! i'm charlie by the way! feel free to hang out with me for the day." the girl piped up, holding her hand out to shake. you looked up at her, your small smile getting wider, before taking her hand to shake and introducing yourself to her.

well... good to know people don't see you as a delinquent now.



TASTE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE. michael aftonWhere stories live. Discover now