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chapter eight


you're trapped...


"sorry i can't be with you this period."

charlie sighed as the two of you walked down the hallway, freshly out of your previous class. "charlie, it's fine. you can't help that." you chuckled lightly at the girl's unnecessary apology.

"i know, but i don't want to leave you to deal with michael by yourself." charlie said, slumping her shoulders, "charlie, you're talking to the person who elbowed him in the nose. i'm not afraid to hit him again." you smiled at your friend, placing a hand on her shoulder.

she just let out another sigh and looked up at you, a soft smile creeping on her lips, "okay, i'll stop worrying." she stated, fixing her posture to be standing upright.

"sorry to leave you, but i really have to get to this class. are you fine to look for your next class by yourself?" charlie asked, stopping her walking for a moment. you couldn't help but feel a little nervous to be left alone in the middle of the school halls, but you didn't want to make charlie late to her class.

you just smiled and nodded at her, "i'll be fine. see you at lunch." you said with a wave, charlie sending the wave back to you before walking off, disappearing into the crowd. you sighed, the smile from your face falling, now the nervousness was really setting in.

since you somehow managed to score nearly every class with charlie, you rarely had moments where you were left alone. if you guys didn't have a class together though, she'd usually take you to the classroom to show you the way, but this was pretty much the first time you were left alone to look for a class since your very first time stepping into the school.

the constantly moving and loud crowd wasn't making it any better, so before you decided to take a step, you took a deep breath to help calm the nerves a bit, then you continued to walk, making sure to keep an eye out for your classroom door.

as you walked, you looked between the classroom number listed on your schedule and every door you passed, muttering a curse to yourself every time the door wasn't the one you were looking for.

you began to grow impatient as you couldn't find your classroom, a prominent scowl forming on your face and your steps getting quicker.

you weren't really paying attention to the people surrounding you, way too focused on the classroom doors, so when a sudden arm appeared in front of you, leaning against the row of lockers you were walking next to, you flinched back in surprise, looking over to the person it belonged to.

your irritation only grew when your eyes landed on the face of none other than michael fucking afton, "what's got you so cross, doll?" he asks in his usual smug and teasing tone. you narrow your eyes up at him, "i'm not in the mood for this, michael. get out of my way." you grumble at the boy, ducking under his arm to continue walking.

"awh come on, maybe i can help." he continues with his teasing tone, making your hand grip tighter on your schedule and jaw clench. you can feel michael's presence right behind you as you walk, this only adding to the irritation, "i'm just trying to find my class, now leave me alone." you hissed, speeding up your footsteps.

TASTE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE. michael aftonWhere stories live. Discover now