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chapter three


when will you have a
single moment of peace?


"come on. if we leave now, we'll lose them in the crowd."

charlie said in a hushed voice, nudging your shoulder as the bell rang. you wasted no time in slamming your book shut and swiping it into your backpack along with your other supplies on your desk.

for the whole duration of the rest of the class, michael and his friend had been teasing you. it made it so hard to focus of the work, because all of your attention was put on trying to not get worked up and give michael another taste of this morning's events. every time you seemed to have everything under control and your breathing more even, you'd feel his presence right behind your ear again and the sound of his accented voice would ring in your ear, making you lose all of your progress in calming down.

thank god charlie was there to lend a comforting hand on your back or otherwise michael would have been as good as gone.

you stood up from your desk, not even bothering to sling at least a single strap of your backpack over your shoulder, before you grabbed charlie by the arm and sped out of the classroom.

"hey! wait up, doll!" you heard michael call out, hearing his quickened footsteps getting closer. you wasted no time in speeding up your pace, practically running out of the classroom, not really caring if you bumped into anyone along the way.

much to your pleasure, you managed to escape into the crowded hallway without being spotted by michael. you breathed a sigh of relief, letting go of charlie's arm. "sorry for dragging you." you smiled awkwardly, turning around to face your new friend, charlie just waved it off, shaking her head, "it's fine. we lost mike anyways." she smiled.

you slumped your shoulders, following after charlie as she began to walk again, "you'd think after getting an elbow to the nose he'd leave me alone." you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest, charlie giggled at your statement, "i guess he's just dumb. i think i gave him a little to much credit in thinking he wouldn't pick fights he can't win." she stated, sending you two into a giggle fit.

"i do have to say though, he's acting a lot different than usual. normally he's usually a little harsher with new students." charlie spoke after your giggles had calmed down, you raised an eyebrow at what she said, gesturing for her to continue. "well, last time we had a new student here he never left them alone. he'd shove him whenever they were close by, trip him in the hallways, constantly pick fights with him. eventually it got to be too much and the new kid left after only about a month. with you he's a lot more... tame?" charlie explained, cocking her head at the end of her sentence.

you furrowed you eyebrows at the explanation. although michael definitely wasn't leaving you alone as well, the other kid definitely had it worse than you. maybe michael did learn a lesson from that elbow to the nose.

"but that was like a few years ago, so maybe he just matured a little over the years? although i highly doubt that." charlie added, saying the last part with a scoff, "maybe he learned a lesson from this morning." you stated with a shrug of your shoulders, charlie muttering an agreement to you.

the two of you continued talking with each other while you walked in the hallway. it was currently a break period, so you were free to do whatever for a small period of time, you and charlie opting to sit in the courtyard for the break, just spending the time to get to know each other a little more.


"i have to talk to them. i need to get to know them." michael cried, his usual smug bad boy persona now discarded and replaced with a happy and giddy love struck mess. "will you shut up about them?! you've been going on and on about them all day!" michael's friend exasperated, his annoyance evident on his face.

"honestly, mike, i'm with him. you haven't shut up about them since this morning and honestly, i don't see the appeal." another one of his friends chimed in, jabbing his thumb in the direction of the first friend. "what do you mean you don't see the appeal? they're the first person ever to stand up to us! you don't think that's not even the slightest bit hot?" michael asked, completely in disbelief at his friend's statement.

"i mean... yeah it's kinda hot, but an elbow to the nose definitely isn't." his friend shrugged, causing michael to scoff and roll his eyes, "you guys just don't get it." he grumbled, crossing his arms. "mike have you considered that you might just have a thing for pain or humiliation?" his previously quiet friend spoke up, stifling his laughter.

michael froze and stood up straight, his face immediately turning a dark shade of red. his friends stood behind him, pursing their lips to hold their laughter. "ooh is little mikey a little freak?" his friend teased, his voice a little shaky from trying to hold in his laughs. micahel whipped his whole body around to face his friends, his red face and frown being just the thing to push his friends over the edge.

"i-it's nothing like that! i just think they're cool and want to get to know them!" michael exclaimed as his friends burst out in howling laughter. his eyes darted between the three males, all of which doubled over as their laughter continued to sound throughout the hallway.

"come on, mike, you make it so obvious! especially back in the bathroom!" his friend said in between laughs, causing michael's already dark cheeks to go even darker. he could only stand and watch his friends laugh at him helplessly, absolutely not liking being the butt of the joke. usually michael would be teasing them like this, but everything has been flipped now.

he squinted his eyes at his hyena pack of a friend group, before turning his back on them and walking off, "you guys are all dickheads! all of you!" he cursed as he stomped off, only leaving his friends to scurry behind him to catch up.



TASTE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE. michael aftonWhere stories live. Discover now