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chapter six


what is going on?
why is your brain doing


'why is he not leaving me alone?'

you thought to yourself as you laid in your bed on your back, staring up at the ceiling with a frown.

you had been laying in bed for a while now, trying your best to fall asleep, but every time you would close your eyes you would see michael's face and hear his voice echoing inside your head.

it wasn't his usual smug smirk and teasing tone that you'd grown slightly accustomed to throughout the day though, but the genuine tone and smile he had flashed you outside of the front gate at school.

you groaned in annoyance, closing your eyes and throwing your hands over them, michael's smile appearing behind your eyelids once again, but instead of immediately opening your eyes to avoid the image, you kept them closed for a moment to admire his smile once again.

his smile really was beautiful.

his teeth seemed to glitter in the sunlight of the late afternoon.

his lips were slightly chapped, but weren't horribly dry and he seemed to have a faint scar on his bottom lip.

soon you found yourself admiring his other features.

his eyes were a pretty shade of blue. they weren't too dark or too bright, just right in the middle.

his jawline was sharp and you swore you could see a very faint stubble on his chin.

his hair was a dark brown and framed his face perefctly. the slight sign of a fluffly mullet growing at the back of his neck.

you noticed other small features in your admiring session, like freckles that faintly dusted his cheeks and nose bridge and other little scars like the one on his lip.

you couldn't help but admit that when his face wasn't adorning that stupid smug expression, he really was handsome.

you groaned, moving your hands from your eyes and grabbing one of your pillows to pull over your face.  you screamed into the plush object, just wanting him to leave your mind and you alone so you can sleep peacefully.

'i should not be thinking like this about god damn michael!' you yelled at yourself in your mind, beginning to beat yourself with the pillow.

staying still for a moment with your pillow firmly on your face again, you sighed as you removed said pillow, turning onto your side with your pillow now in your arms like you were hugging it.

you closed your eyes, ignoring the image of michael's face appearing once again, finally deciding that enough was enough and that you were going to sleep right then and there.

you really didn't know why you were thinking these things, but hey...

at least you'll stop when you remember just who they're about tomorrow.


"home late again... as usual." michael heard his father scoff as he entered in through the front door of his house.

everyday michael would usually spend the rest of the day after school driving around town with his friends, causing trouble wherever they went, until they'd usually crash at one of the friends' house until it was well into the night.

"where were you?" his father spoke after a moment of silence, glaring daggers into his oldest child, "at a friend's house." michael grumbled, rolling his eyes.

his father scoffed once again, "of course. how many times have i told you to at least call me when you do this? you know my work number." he stated, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at michael.

"i should be able to live my own life and do my own things without having to tell you." michael spat, shooting the same glare his father gave him right back at the older man.

his father scrunched his nose in frustration at the boy's comment, ready to spit the same venom back, but he ultimately bit his tongue. it was late at night and the younger kids had already been put to bed and he didn't want to wake them with yet another of his and michael's heated arguments.

he sighed, slumping his shoulders and back, pinching the bridge of his nose, "fine, whatever! your dinner's in the fridge, heat it up if you want." he exasperated, looking back up at his son.

michael just huffed, "not hungry." he said bluntly, before pushing passed his father to walk up the staircase to his bedroom, barging his father's shoulder with his as he done so.

once he made it to his room, he closed the door behind him harshly, but not too harsh to cause a slam. he didn't want to wake his siblings up after all.

he quickly swapped his clothes for something more comfortable to sleep in, which was just a pair of sweatpants that were just thrown lazily on the floor close by.

he climbed into his bed, throwing his covers over him to just cover his legs and part of his torso. he laid on his back, staring at the ceiling with his hands intertwined with each other and resting on his chest.

unsurprisingly, his mind immediately wandered to you. he smiled widely as his cheeks began to heat up.

he truly did have the biggest crush on you. he hadn't felt this way about someone since he was a young kid and honestly, it was the greatest feeling to him.

the way his heart accelerated when he saw you, the way he'd get giddy at the sound of your voice, the way his cheeks would heat up and turn red at just the thought of you. it was truly a great feeling.

he sighed dreamily as he filled his mind with more thoughts of you, turning onto his side and closing his eyes, pulling his blanket up closer to his chest.

he slowly began to slip into sleep, his thoughts of you never once leaving his mind.

he couldn't wait to see you again tomorrow.



TASTE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE. michael aftonWhere stories live. Discover now