Chapter 1: It's Never Over, Part II

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Book 3: Harmony
Chapter 1: It's Never Over, Part II

"Part of the journey is the end." - A wise old monk.


"Step on it!" Jiansu said.

Akira shifted gears and accelerated. The car inched forward, getting closer to the hijacked prison bus.

"Hold it steady. I'm going in." Jiansu climbed out the window and crouched on the hood.

"Don't scratch my paint!" Akira yelled.

"Sorry!" Jiansu replied, then leaped off the car onto the back of the bus, leaving a nasty scuff mark on the hood.

Akira sighed. "That's not gonna wax out."

Jiansu tore a hole in the back of the metal bus. An escaped Red Lotus prisoner shot a fire blast out the back of the bus, causing Jiansu to lose his grip. He latched onto the bus with his metal cable and pulled himself back on. Akira reached her left arm out the window and shot a bolt of lightning at the prisoner, knocking him unconscious.

"Hey! Watch it. Metal bus, Sis." Jiansu pointed out.

"Sorry." Akira replied.

Jiansu tried to climb through the hole, but got blasted in the chest by a jet of water and fell off the bus, landing on Akira's hood. The two-hundred and fifty pound Earthbender left a dent in the steel hood, before bouncing off and hitting the windshield with his bearded face, splintering it.

Akira had to stick her head out the window to see the road. "You alright?"

"I think I scratched your car." Jiansu replied.

"It's okay." She promised.

Akira heard a familiar bellowing sound and looked to the sky. A Flying Bison the color of tar swooped down next to the bus, carrying an Airbender on his back.

"Need a hand?" Gyatso asked.

Akira waved to her boyfriend. "Sure do!"

Gyatso flicked the bison's reins. Taima slammed into the side of the bus, knocking it off the road. It flipped over into the ditch and skidded to a stop.

"Thanks honey!" Akira called out.

She pulled the car over onto the side of the road. Jiansu got up off the hood and made his way into the ditch. Akira followed.

A dozen prisoners came tumbling out of the bus.

"Freeze." Jiansu ordered, aiming his gauntlets at the prisoners. They all threw their hands up in surrender.

"Looks like I arrived just in time." Gyatso noted.

"You sure did. Mwah." Akira kissed him on the cheek.

"I'll stay here and wait for the cops to arrive. You guys go on about your day. I know it's a special one." Jiansu said.

Gyatso didn't refuse. "Thanks man."

They took Akira's car, leaving Taima with Jiansu for transport and extra protection.

"So, how was your trip?" Akira asked, as they cruised along Kyoshi Bridge.

"It was great! I hardly ever get to see my mom's family, so it was nice." Gyatso replied. He had just returned from the Northern Water Tribe, where his mother, grandparents, and two sisters lived. His parents were still married, but had separated for reasons Akira didn't quite understand.

They drove south across the bridge, headed towards Old Republic City. They had to lean out the windows to see, since the windshield had been cracked by one very indifferent Avatar. Akira's auburn hair flapped in her face, but the wind moved smoothly around Gyatso's bald head.

Avatar: The Legend Reborn - Book 3: HarmonyWhere stories live. Discover now