Chapter 8: Beneath The Snow's Embrace

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Book 3: Harmony
Chapter 8: Beneath The Snow's Embrace


As the airship headed north, the air turned to ice. The blue sky whitened until it was like a thin sheet of paper. Kinlei spotted the northern portal standing tall on the horizon. She grabbed her glider and leaped off the deck, swooping down to the Water Tribe encampment surrounding the entrance. Shikoba was waiting for her along with a few dozen guards.

"Hey cousin. Thanks for meeting me." Kinlei said.

"Don't mention it. So what are you going to do in the southern part of the world?" Shikoba wondered.

"I wish I knew. Jade has taken the reins on this one. Whatever it is, she believes it's pretty important."

"Ah, I'd better let you get on with it then. Stop by and visit when you come back through, and good luck with your mission."

"I will, and thanks." Kinlei opened her glider and returned to the airship.

Yasmin and Jade joined her on deck as the ship passed through the portal. Stretched out beneath them was a large eerie plain with a sickly looking tree in the center. Kinlei averted her gaze from the tree. It had a dark history that she'd rather not think about. The airship continued past the tree to the portal on the opposite end of the plain, emerging in the South Pole.

"Yay, more snow." Yasmin said sarcastically.

After they had put the portal far behind them they climbed onto Lefty and headed towards Kaimana's family's estate outside Aquora City, while Lu headed east to keep the airship out of sight.

The bison landed in the courtyard of Avatar Korra's family home. The girls and Padma dismounted and approached the door. Before Kinlei could knock, it opened, and they were greeted by the butler.

"Hello, how may I help you?" He asked.

Jade stepped forward. "Pana, we have business with Chief Kaimana. May we use the estate as lodging while we conduct our business?"

"Uh... of course Miss Beifong, but I'm afraid the master is not available right now. I should probably let the new chief explain, though you would be hard pressed to get an audience with her."

"I wasn't aware the Southern Water Tribe had a change in leadership." Jade said.

"Nor was I." Yasmin added.

"Who is it?" Kinlei asked.

"Chieftess Nalini." Pana replied.

'Nalini is the new chief?' Kinlei silently wondered.

"Why weren't the other world leaders informed of this?" Yasmin asked.

Pana seemed to realize who she was, and bowed. "Your Highness, my apologies, I did not recognize you."

Kinlei interrupted. "Pana, where is Kai?"

After learning of Kaimana's self imposed exile following his abdication of the throne, Kinlei was able to hone in on his energy and contact him via Astral Projection. The Waterbending master made arrangements for them to be transported discreetly to his location, as long as they weren't followed.

They waited around for hours until nightfall. Then, leaving her bison at the estate, Kinlei led her companions on foot to the city docks, where they did their best to blend in and wait for Kai's agent to arrive, hiding under a tarp covering some wooden crates. Kinlei underestimated how cold the night air of the South Pole could be. It didn't bother her, but Yasmin kept complaining about it and trying to warm herself with Firebending. Kinlei smacked her and told her to stop for fear of her fire revealing their presence. She then had to consciously regulate the air temperature around her so her friends would all stop shivering.

Avatar: The Legend Reborn - Book 3: HarmonyWhere stories live. Discover now