Chapter 4: Family Reunion

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Book 3: Harmony
Chapter 4: Family Reunion


When Kinlei awoke, she found herself in pure darkness. She was in a cold, damp place. The sound of water dripping somewhere nearby had caused her to stir. She tried to look around, but there was absolutely no light in the area.

"Hey! Who are you people? Where am I?" She yelled.

She heard the sound of metal sliding against metal, and a light appeared above. Kinlei realized she was in a hole in the ground, with a metal door over the top.

"Finally awake? Good. Now you can talk." A gruff voice said.

"What do you want?" She growled.

"Why were you spying on us the other night?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." She replied.

The man frowned. "Perhaps a few days in the pit will loosen your tongue."

Then he slammed the door, shutting out all light.

"Dang." Kinlei sat down and meditated, projecting her astral form up out of the pit.

The room above was small. Kinlei did her best to dim the blue light of her ethereal form and stay back out of view of her captors. She looked around the room and realized it was just a small cabin. There were no windows, just a single door at the front. Everything a person needed to live comfortably was packed into the single room. Kinlei ducked down behind a table and eavesdropped on her captors.

"Are you sure?" A woman's voice asked.

"Not exactly. Even the White Lotus doesn't know everything. But still, Han Yi said he was almost positive that this Airbender woman was secretly married to the Avatar." The man replied.

"Which one?" The woman asked.

"The male Avatar, duh."

"What? You can't just assume."

"Well anyways, you remember that Firebender we killed four years ago? The one that dressed up in a bird mask?"


"She was there. So was 'Team Avatar.' That's what they call themselves."

"I know what they call themselves. Get to the point."

"Ever since then, it's like they've been shunning the White Lotus. According to Han Yi, they won't let them in on any intel, not even little stuff. It's like they distrust them for some reason."

"You think they suspect a mole?" The woman wondered.

"Yeah, I think so."

"So what does that have to do with our mission?"

"It has everything to do with our mission. I think the Airbender down in the pit has been investigating the White Lotus. If she figures out our plans and warns the puppet masters, this whole operation could crash and burn."

"Hmm, you're right."

"You want to get rid of her?"

"No, not yet. Give her a little while to think over her situation. She'll talk eventually. Then we'll get rid of the loose ends."

Kinlei didn't like the sound of that. She had to get out. But how? Where was she even at? She elevated herself through the roof of the cabin and got a look at her surroundings. She realized immediately that she was in the Tienhai Mountains east of Republic City. The sun was setting on the horizon, and she could see the silhouettes of skyscrapers jutting into the sky above the mountain peaks.

Avatar: The Legend Reborn - Book 3: HarmonyWhere stories live. Discover now