Chapter 12 (Cont.)

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'I wonder how long I've been dead.' Jiansu thought to himself.

Standing in the park in Republic City with his father, Nasim, and Qin Shi, he was surprised when the glowing blue silhouette appeared. Still wrapped in Yuan's embrace, he reached out to her in his mind. 'Korra?'

The woman's silhouette did not respond; she simply held out her hand to him. Jiansu untangled himself from his father's arms and walked towards it. "Hello, who are you?"

The woman stretched her arm out further, gesturing for him to take it.

"Does anyone else see this?" Jiansu asked the others, but when he glanced back at them they all seemed to be frozen in time.

"Jiansu, please wake up." The woman said.

He couldn't quite pin the voice, but he was sure he'd heard it before. "Who are you?"

"Jiansu. Please come back. This is not the end." The woman held out her hand, beckoning him to take it, and it dawned on him whose voice it was.

Jiansu took another look at his father and the others, frozen in time. As much as he wanted to stay there with his father, he remembered that he was a father himself, and he had a duty to his children, as well as everyone else. He made his choice, hoping he was right about where it would lead, and took the woman's hand.

He opened his eyes in a cave. Blue, green, and purple crystals were the only source of light. He felt cold, and realized he was submerged in water with only his face protruding. He struggled to move, but a searing pain flared up in his torso, just where his heart was.

"Easy there. You're still hurt." Said a voice, the same one belonging to the silhouette.

Jiansu looked up to see who spoke. "Kokoa? What happened? Did you heal me?"

The Waterbender nodded. "Your hand too. You're welcome."

Jiansu glanced down at his right hand, which Akira had accidentally cut off during their fight. It was fine. No earth or stone prosthetic, just his real hand. "How did you do that?"

"I found it underwater in the Wellspring. The spirit water prevented its decay. It wasn't easy; it was probably the most difficult thing I've ever done; but I was able to reattach it. When you fell, you landed in the Wellspring with a hole in your chest. You'd lost a lot of blood. I figured Zelemir had done this to you, so I had to do something."

"But... why?"

"Because of a small bit of wisdom that was imparted to me. 'I choose to see past all the lies our emotions let us believe, and make decisions based on truth.' We are not enemies. Zelemir may think so, but I see it now. We should all be fighting together against the Fates, not bowing down to their will. You tried to help us. You put your own friends and sister in danger to set us free. Now I'm repaying the favor. From this day forth we shall be allies."

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