Chapter 5: The Ultimate Betrayal

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Book 3: Harmony
Chapter 5: The Ultimate Betrayal


Akira and Jiansu had been gone for a few hours. They had borrowed Taima and gone on a little 'scouting mission.' Gyatso wondered how long it would take. He needed something, anything, that he could pretend was more important than the conversation at hand.

Grandpa Tenzin was so different from how Gyatso had imagined him. He had seen dozens of pictures, but had never met the Airbender. Everyone in his family thought he was dead. Now Gyatso had stumbled upon a living legend in the flesh. Tenzin hovered a few feet off the ground, making him appear six inches taller than he already was; easily six and a half feet.

"So Gyatso, you're Rohan's son, right?" Tenzin asked.

"Yes... Grandfather." Gyatso replied.

"You can just call me Tenzin if you'd like. I know it must be strange to discover a family member who was supposed to be dead. I understand if it's hard." Tenzin explained.

"No, that's okay. I'll get used to it." Gyatso promised, though he wasn't sure he would.

Mako stood in the corner of the room stroking his long gray beard with intrigue. "Tenzin, I'm so sorry to hear about Oogi."

Tenzin nodded casually. "Thank you Mako. It was unfortunate, but I've moved past it."

"But... How did you learn to fly like Zaheer?" Bolin wondered.

"A good question Bolin, but it's a long story for another time. I want to hear all about what's happened since I've been gone. How are your families? Your children?" Tenzin asked.

"They're doing great! Opal and I have two daughters." Bolin replied.

"Wonderful, and their names?" Tenzin wondered.

"My oldest is Jade. She's a prodigy Metalbender just like her grandmother, and since the fall of the Empire she's been serving as prime minister of the Earth Kingdom Commonwealth. There's even been talks of making her the figurehead Earth Queen. My second daughter is Mingyu. She's an Airbender like her mother, and a member of the Kyoshi Warriors."

Tenzin marveled at these revelations. "That's impressive. You and Opal must be proud."

"You have no idea! Tell him about yours, Mako." Bolin suggested.

Mako gave his brother a pained scowl. His expression said 'dude, really? Thanks for bringing it up.'

Bolin's expression said he knew he'd made a mistake. Mako had two children, but only one of them was still living.

"My son... Kaimana; my son with Korra. He's the chief of the Southern Water Tribe. My youngest son's name is San. He was a Guardian Phoenix like me, but he was murdered a few years ago." Mako explained.

Tenzin looked at the ground. "I'm sorry Mako. I can't imagine."

"Thanks. I'm going to go get some air." Mako said, and exited the mine shaft.

Bolin put his hand on his forehead. "I am such an idiot."

"So, Mako has lost TWO children?" Tenzin asked.

"Yeah, unfortunately." Bolin replied.

Gyatso didn't follow. "Wait, what do you mean two?"

Bolin scratched his head. "Well, I don't really know how to explain... "

"What he is referring to happened almost forty years ago. Mako was asked to be a donor for the children of Avatar Korra and Asami Sato. Korra gave birth to your friend Kaimana, but Asami lost her baby to a miscarriage." Tenzin explained.

Avatar: The Legend Reborn - Book 3: HarmonyWhere stories live. Discover now