• Backlash •

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After another long day at school I sit in the courtyard waiting for my private tutor. I look around my surroundings and see the once neat area now trashed from careless students who dump their litter everywhere. The sun was about to set leaving a warm orange coat to the sky and leaving the pink clouds fluffy like cotton candy. I trail my eyes to the group I saw this morning, Brittany and her crew.

The boys blazers were off and their shirts was left un-tucked. The dark Blue ties were hanging low and their sleeves were rolled up. The girls followed the same per-suite, but the only difference was that their long fake extensions were out of their buns and tails and their long Grey skirt was rolled up to be short enough to have their ass hanging out.

The boy that was smoking this morning was leaning against the wall yet again smoking a fag. He was laughing along with his friends and was smirking evilly because Brittany was nibbling and whispering his hear. I look away in disgust and look at my watch. 45 minutes late, great. I hear more obnoxious laughter coming from them and I glared at them again and all of their eyes were looking straight at me. I looked straight at my hands again and insecurely remained my face hidden. They kept laughing at me and I decided I had enough.

I shot up from the bench and slung by backpack over my shoulder and walked straight out of the school yard. I walked out of the school grounds and decided to ditch my private class and go home.

In just 20 minutes I started to shiver from the cold. The sun was way past sunset and it was a moonless night. All that was lit was the road from the dim street lights. Well, anything to get away from those people.

After another 30 minutes I was just 5 minutes from home. Finally, I starting to get a bit frightened by the horrifying night. I see the familiar 3 story house in my view.

I finally reach the gates and I press the little Blue button on the bottom of the speaker.

"Hello? Can you let me in?" I said into the speaker.

"Who is this," Jane said through the speaker.

"It's Amanda, Jane," I said.

There was a long pause and suddenly the gates were opening.

I walked inside and I approach the doors to my house. I knocked with two quick beats and the door busted open as I knocked the third time. It revealed my parents with their face filled their rage. I sucked in my gut and prepared for the worst.

"Where have you been young lady!" My mother growled.

"My tutor never arrived so I wal-"

"You should have waited longer!" Father interrupted with pure anger.

"He called us and said that you weren't there!" Mother yelled in my face.

I looked down to the ground and I feel my stomach flipping in nervousness.

"Do you have any idea how worried we were!" She said through clenched teeth.

"You could have been doing drugs or having sexual intercourse with a stranger!" He screamed on the top of his lungs.

"How can you have such little faith in me! You push me to a point where I can't take it anymore! All you do is treat me like dirt and I feel like I'm going insane because all you do is keep me in this prison of our lives and-"

"HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT US!" My Father belted in my face.

I flinched as he came close to my face to yell. His deep growl ringed my ears and I closed my eyes to block out my fathers rage.

"Look at me when I talk to you Amanda!"

I hesitated. But I opened my eyes and looked up.

"You will respect us and our house. So go up into your room and don't come down until school on Wednesday," He said in stifled anger.

I nodded very quickly and rushed past my parents. I started to jog down the hall and I slammed the door of my bedroom.

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