• Young Love? •

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We have been walking for over an hour. It was really hot today. And I was starting to sweat like mad.

"Ben, where are you taking me?" I asked.

"We're nearly there," he smiled and we kept walking.

The sun was glowing in his light brown hair and his lips were even pinker than usual. I would kill to kiss him right now. Even though we did deal for him to kiss me. But I think he's just jocking.

"We're here," he smiled.

"The mall?" I asked as I saw the giant white building in front of me.

"Yeah, come on!" He said and tugged my hand.

What his he planing?

We walked into the cool building and he pulled me through the mall. We looked around anxiously and we walked into some kind of lingerie shop.

"Ben! What are we doing here?" I whisper yelled.

He pulled me to the back of the deserted store and he randomly pulled out some underwear.

"Here, go put this on in the changing rooms and wait there for me," he said and placed them in my hands.

"Ben, what are you talking about?" I asked firmly and just ignored my question again.

"Go, go, go!" He said and shoved me to the direction of the changing rooms.

He ran out of the store and I walked calmly to the changing rooms. I went to the one in the far left. I closed the door and locked it. The mirror was on the wall opposite the door while there was a small seat on the right.

I placed the lingerie on the small seat and I slipped off my flats. I looked into the mirror and I slipped of my shirt and jeans. I was left in my blue bra and green underwear. I sighed to myself and took off all the rest of my clothes. Leaving me exposed to the mirror.

Its not that I hate myself. I just strongly dislike my figure. I have always wanted my Mothers body. Perfectly thin, large perky boobs, round ass and perfect slender legs. I was directly the opposite.

I put on the black push up bra and hipster underwear and looked into the mirror. It didn't look too bad though. But the bra was a little bit to small though. The top of my breasts were popping out the top, ready to have a wardrobe malfunction.

I also realized that there was also a garter belt and some stockings. I slipped on the stockings and clipped the straps on them from the garter belt. I looked into the mirror again and for the first time, I was pleased about my appearance. I pulled out my pony tail and let my long brown hair reach my lower back.

I smiled and ran my fingers through my hair. I heard a small knock and I spun my head around to the door. I unlocked it and slightly opened it. I peeped my head through it and for half a second I caught a glimpse of a tall male before he pushed the door open and I quickly covered myself with my shirt.

"Ben!" I whisper shouted.

He chuckled and locked the door behind him.

"Happy to see me gorgeous?"

"What the hell!" I whisper shouted again.

"I told you to meet me here."

I rolled my eyes.

"Look," he said and pulled out three wallets in his pocket.

My eyes widened.

"How did you get those?"

"I stole them, security is probably still looking for me, we should be safe here until the heat wears off" he smiled and handed me one of the wallets.

The leather felt rough on my fingertips and it was a dark shade of brown. I opened it and I supported the shirt with my elbows. Money literally poured out of the top and my eyes grew wider.

"There's over $300 in here," I said and looked at him.

"Yeah! We can by you new clothes and shit so you wouldn't have to suffer with your mum's fashion sense," he said and grabbed the wallet out of my hands.

He took a quick look at the I.D. and chuckled.

"Sorry David Brooks," he said and put the wallet back into his pocket while I smiled.

He looked at me up and down and I blushed.

"You still owe me that kiss," he said huskily. I felt the heat rise in my face and the butterflies raging in my stomach.

He stepped closer and his hot breath was tickling my nose.

"I thought you were joking," I said softly.

He pulled down the shirt and I just let it slip through my fingers. I kept looking him in the eyes and he slid his hands on my hips letting his fingers slightly touching my butt.

I pulled me close and then I didn't realize my back was lightly pressed up against the wall. I can't escape from him now. My arms were squished in between him and I. I couldn't move them at all.

"I never joke baby," he murmured.

His lips were so close. I could almost taste them. I wanted to kiss them so bad and it caused a slight burning sensation in my stomach and throat.

I bit my bottom lip and he started to lean in for a kiss. Before I could change my mind his lips were perfectly placed on my lips. He moved at a slow pace as we moved in perfect sync.

My heart started to beat rapidly and my stomach was fluttering furiously. He moved a bit faster and I could barely catch up. He lightly bit my lip and I set out a quiet moan.

He moved his soft kisses along my jaw line and down to my neck. He moved my arms above my head and pinned them. He licked and kissed my neck until I couldn't control the noises that escaped my throat. I opened my mouth and nothing came out, just soft breaths of pleasure.

I finally moaned softly in my mouth and he smirked up against my skin. He looked at me and winked.

He let go of my wrists and slid his arms up my back and brush his fingers along the lower bra line. He slipped his hand up to my shouler and pushed the strap down and out of the way for him to kiss there.

He started to unclip my bra and I stopped Ben as soon as it came undone.

"Wait," I said, still breathless.

He looked at me with confusion.

"I, um. I can't do this," I said and crossed my arms, preventing my bra from slipping down my shoulders.

"Its fine, I don't have a condom anyways," he winked and started to walk out.

"Meet me outside," he said and closed the door.

I shook my head. And started to get dressed. He just wanted me for sex. Great. Just fucking great. I should of never made the deal with him. Jesus, I'm so stupid. I left the lingerie in the stall and just left the shop. I walked through the mall and walked outside.

Ben was standing there with a plastic bag full of bottles.

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