• Typical •

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Here I am again. Confused, Irritated and trapped in a sea of people I have never seen before. All the laughter of the posh old hags, the wine glasses colliding together with an irritating ding, the chatter by ignorant adults and the horrible classical music that makes my ears practicly bleed.

Everyone was wearing bright colors that hurt my eyes everytime I look at them. I don't see a single piece of dark colors anywhere. Nothing but Pinks, Light Blues, Yellows, Bright Greens and Purples.

"Amanda!" My mother stiffled a yell in my ear.

"Oh, sorry Mother," I said as I look at my glass of Non-alcoholic Champagne.

"Don't be rude!" She said angrily stiffiling another yell.

"Sorry..." I whispered.

He pushed my a little forward to another pair of of 'Mothers and Daughters'. My mother dragged me to a monthly 'Mothers and Daughters Party', every month Mothers come here and brag about there Daughters accomplishments and intelligence.

"Hi, I'm Helen and this is my lovely Daughter Amanda," he greeted warmly and shook their hands.

They looked exactly like eachother, short Blonde hair, Pink Cardigan tied around their sholders, bright white pearls, Green shirt and white straight cut pants that made them look way older than they should.

"Im Melinda and this is Chelsea," the Mother spoke in her a very annoying tone.

"Nice to meet you," Chelsea spoke in a high pitch that made you want want to shoot yourself.

Her pink braces blocked her pearly white teeth as she opened her mouth. It just made me hate her even more.

My mothers boney arm jabbed me into my ribs, sending a quick shockwave of pain.

"Hi," I mumbled.

My Mother glared at me as Melinda and Chelsea looked at us awkwardly.

"So anyway, what school does Chelsea attend?" My mother asked.

"She's attending 'St Louis Collage'," he said proudly.

"Ooh, that private school is a little bit pricy," my Mother smiled and looked a little braggy.

"Whatever happens, happens. The hubby pays for it," they all laughed for a few seconds before my mother spoke again.

"Well, Amanda goes to 'Fillmore All Girls College'," she said while placing her boney fingers onto my sholders and shaking me slightly. I smiled a little and returned to my blank face.

"We werw thinking on sending Chelsea to 'Fillmore A.G.C.' but she wanted to be with her boyfriend," Melinda said while fixing Chelsea's hair.

She blushed slightly and took a sip of water that was pored into a wine glass.

"Aww, how sweet," my Mother said nicely.

My Mother never liked the idea of me hanging around the opposite gender. She wants me to start dating when I finish University. And have sex until I was married.

"And Chelsea is studying Physics in the highest class A, She is also First Chair in Cello and Lead dancer for Ballet," Melinda bragged.

Geez, I can never top that. I can feel my mothers disapproving look burning into my scull as she stated more useless crap about Chelsea.

"Amanda is pursuing to be a Lawer and she was head Prefect every year ever since 7th grade," she smiled.

Ugh, I hated Law with a passion. Sure I get straight A's, but I never purely enjoyed it. I only did it for my Father.

I always wanted to be an artist. I did classes every year ever since 5th grade. Mother pulled me out because I was loosing focus on Law. She banned me from ever doing any art of some kind, painting, photography, drawing, sketching in my notebook in class and listening to music.

But I still sketch and draw in secret, I stole a notebook from father and used one of my work pens to draw in it. As a kid I always saw myself a professional painter or a professional photographer. But thanks to my Family, I will never get the chance.

As I was lost in my thoughts I stared into the bubbles popping and floating in the orange liquid that layed in my hands. I noticed that Melinda and Chelsea are walking off.

Oh, I missed a whole conversation. Good.

"We're going home Amanda so we can get there just in time for Tea," Mother said crudely and I nodded.

I followed her out of the crowd and we were finally free. We walk out into the outdoor atmosphere and I see that the sun was setting lightly beyond the hills. If only I had a camera.

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