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*Two Weeks Later*

Ben's P.O.V

The day went pretty quickly for me. I think its because I ditched school with Brittany and my mates. I threw my backpack on my messy floor and slumped onto my bed. I looked up at my blank white ceilings and I couldn't stop thinking about Amanda. I've been visiting her for nearly two weeks, every night. Her naturally long brown hair, her bright blue eyes, her perfectly sculptured face and her innocent personality.

Her voice. God, its like a song stuck in your head and it keeps playing on repeat. I can only imagine it when she's screaming my name in bed. Before my thoughts got any further, I threw myself out of bed and walked towards my large window. I ripped my curtains open and opened the glass doors on my window. The breeze struck my skin as I saw Amanda in the room across me.

She clearly just got home from school and she removed her Grey blazer. She put her hair in a bun and started to remove her clothing. Does she know I'm here? Obviously not.

I couldn't avert my eyes. They're stuck like glue. Damn she was hot. Like really hot. She slipped her skirt off and I could see her full curves. I felt a warm flush across my body as my mouth was practily drooling over her. She was in green lace underwear and her bra was a light blue colour.

I looked down and see that I got a bit too excited.

"Shit!" I said to myslef.

Amanda's P.O.V

I changed into my PJ's. I managed to get some shorts and a shirt, so I wouldn't have to wear that embarrassing nightie. Over the week I started to have a crush on Ben. No matter how much I try to talk myself into some common sense. I just... Couldn't do it.

His hair. His eyes. His carefree personality. Just everything about him. I hear a loud knock on my window and I see Ben smirking while still in his uniform. I smiled a little and walked over. I opened the window.

"Bit earlier than usual?" I smiled and he walked straight into my room.

"My parents are out, so I thought I could hang out a bit longer," he smiled and slumped onto my bed.

"Shouldn't you be with your mates, terrorizing the town, getting the girls and fucking shit up," I teased.

"Nah, I would rather do nothing," he shrugged still looking up at the roof.

"Really? You're definitely crazy," I said and sat down on the bed next to him.

"What do you mean by that?" He said sitting up.

"You have fun, you have a life Ben. But me. I just sit here, studying, doing nothing productive with my life," I said and Ben looked at the ground. Obviously feeling sympathy.

"I'm sorry," he murmured.

"Don't be. At least you're not a trophy to you're parents. Being waved around to the public eye and say "hey look at my daughter, she gets straight A's in school, can play sport better than you and is going to be a lawer when she grows up," I just want to rebel and do one thing wrong so that my Mother and Father won't see me as some kind of proof that they're better than everyone else," I ranted and midway through some sentences my voice would crack from my emotions.

Tears were rolling down my eyes and Ben pulled me into a hug.

I broke down and sobbed into my hands. He rubbed circles on my back, soothing me.

"Hey, its okay," he whispered.

He held me for a while until I stopped crying. He smelt of strong calogne and... Perfume? Well... That's Ben for you. I felt his long breaths in my hair and his heart beating perfectly. This was nice.

I pulled away from him and I could feel my dry face freeze by the cold breeze.

"Amanda," he said softly and I looked up to him.

"What if I told you that I can help with you're problems," he smirked like a light bulb was ontop of his head.

"How?" I croaked.

"I can teach you."


"I will teach you how to live your life to the fullest," he smiled wider.

Like a rebel? He's going to help me be... Bad?

I looked him into his eyes for a second. With a slight confused frown.

"What do I have to do to pay you back?"

He bit his lip and looked at me up and down.

"You have to kiss me."

I looked down and realized my hands were sweating.

I nodded and looked up at him.

"I'll do it."



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