• Secrets •

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*Two Weeks Later*

"Amanda, you gonna come to the 'Dirty Underground' tonight?" Chloe asked me as I took a mouth full of my soda.

I swallowed  my drink and I answered.

"Depends on what time my parents fall asleep," I rolled my eyes. 

I feel a presence next to me and the bright blonde hair flash in the corner of my eyes. Ugh. Brittany. I'm friends with her and all, but she's just really irritating. Sadly, Chloe and Kelly are only friends with Brittany because she buys them Fags and Alcohol. I've seen how cruel she could be to them, its not pretty. 

"Hey!" She beamed with her irritating naturally loud voice.

"Hey," We muttered back.

"So, watchya guys doing tonight?" She said grabbing out one of those diet Granola Bars you always see on TV. 

"Oh, nothing!" Kelly almost shouted.

Chloe stamped her foot making Kelly whimper in agony. Chloe practically shot lasers out of her eyes and gave her a 'shut the fuck up' look. Kelly wasn't bright, but shes a damn well loyal friend. The kind of ones you'll have for a lifetime. 

Brittany looked at us with a raised eyebrow and she noticed I was sweating in nervousness. She doesn't know that were going out tonight, Ben's shouting Chloe and Kelly drinks and cigarettes tonight so Brittany doesn't have to come. 

Brittany shrugged it off and opened the bright Green packet to her Granola Bar. We carried on with our lunch hearing about Brittany's new Purse Poodle. Lovely...


I stared at my clock for nearly 10 minutes now. My parents finally went to sleep and earlier I snuck down stairs and took money out of Mothers bag. I never knew Mother would carry $400 in her bag everyday. It's mine now. 

I'm just waiting patiently for Ben to come through my window. Where is he? I stood up from my bed and paced my room for a while. I looked at the photos on my wall and I could just remember how happy my family was. Father used to have a lot of time for me when I was younger. I was Daddy's Little Girl pretty much. I was showered in gifts, he used to play Tea Party with me, He would play Knights and Princesses with me everyday.

Used to dress up in these beautiful dresses Grandmother used to make for me. I can just remember the touch of the purple fabric. I used to love the fabric Grandmother used. It was so soft. I always thought the dresses were just magical. Every time I put it on I felt like a true princess. Father would always rescue me from the evil dragon our old dog Charlie that would guard the tree house I used to have. 

Charlie was a large cute Greyhound. He would always cuddle with me at night and we would play everyday. I remember when Father brought him home from the animal rescue. Mother was not pleased. But Father didn't care at that point. But five years ago Father took him away, he never told me where or why. It broke my heart. Charlie was my best friend. 

Father and his work mate built the tree house for me for my 4th Birthday. Each slab of wood was painted into different colors, all the colors of the rainbow. It had a pink flag hanging down that had the name Kitten painted onto it. Father used to call me Kitten. But Mother took down the tree house 5 years ago to put in a new fountain.

I don't know what happened. I lost the relationship with Father, I lost my happy place and I lost my best friend. Maybe it... It was because of me.

I look the a photo frame on my left and it had a picture of me and Micheal. Micheal...

My Brother...

He was adopted before Mother had an egg placed in her to have a me with Father. He was only 17 at that point. I was only 8. 

He was so young...

He was going to move to America and go to college for Law.

But... He died.

I remember the night all too well.

I woke up with red and blue lights flashing through the living room window. I was waiting for Micheal to come back from his Best Friends party. I fell asleep. Whoopsies. I herd a loud smash on the door and I screamed. I could hear Daddy running down stairs for me. 

"Kitten!" He shouted.

"Daddy!" I screamed back. 

I saw him run down the stairs in his PJ's and he came and picked me up. There was the loud banging noise again.

"Police! Open Up!"

He walked us to the door and unlocked it. I saw Mum walk behind us and I saw two big men I have never seen before. 

"Whats going on?" Daddy asked.

"Are you the guardians of Micheal Jones?" One of the men said.

"Yes?" Mum said with worry. 

"I'm sorry, but your son has been intoxicated with high rates of alcohol and was on his way home he was in a serious accident. Everyone in the car just survived. But Micheal didn't due to the impact. We're sorry."

All I can remember was Mother collapsing to the ground and crying her eyes out. She was close to Micheal. A Mother Son relationship no one could ever get in between.

It ruined our family. 

I hear a knock from my window and I spun my head back. I see Ben's gorgeous smile stare back at me. 

"Hey Beautiful."

"Hey,' I said weakly.

"What's wrong?" 

He walked up to me and wiped a tear off my face.  He looked at me and he took the photo out of my hands. 

"Who's this," he asked with a smile.

"My brother..."


"He left years ago to America, for collage."

He put on a crooked smile and put the frame back. He engulfed me into a hug and I breathed in his remarkable scent. He pulled me away and hand handed me a bag. 


"What is it?"

He leaned down and gave me a kiss on the shoulder and whispered in my ear.

"Go get changed, I'll wait for you outside," He whispered and kissed me on the head.

He left me with shivers and he climbed out of the window. Damn I really do love this boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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