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Amanda P.O.V.

A loud thump came from my door and interrupted my slumber. I instantly shot up and was ready to wake Ben. But he wasn't there.

My bed was empty and my bedroom door opened. Mother walked in and she looked me right in the eyes with her typical boredom. Her face soon dropped and my heart started to race.

"What have you done!?" she yelled angrily.

"I-I-" I studdered.

She stomped over and grabbed my hair.

"What is this!" She yelled in my face.

"Mother! It's just dye!" I screamed back as I tried to pull her off of me.

"How dare you do this without my consent!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Sorry isn't good enough!" She pushed me down and walked out of my room.

Tears filled my eyes as she slammed the door. I curled up into a ball shape and just I cried. Why is she like this?

I breathed in the scent of Ben's shirt and it calmed me. She's probably also really pissed off that I'm not wearing my PJ's.

I just wanted to disappear. Become the nothing I already am. My family doesn't love me, I'm just a shitty trophy to them. I fucking hate this.


I watched as the familiar buildings and trees rushed by as I was on my way to school. The sky was grey and at sometime it was going to rain. Typical England. Yet again. I'm going to school and I'm going to be miserable.

We finally arrived and I walked out of the car without a word. I walked through the school grounds and everyone was in their usual spots. I looked to my right and I see Ben's group.

They're laughing and having a good time as usual. I walk into the building and the cool air conditioning struck my skin, leaving goosebumps.

I walk to my locker and I open it. I started to collect the things I needed until I feel a long nail tap my shoulder. I spun around and I was face to face with the devil herself. Brittany.

"Hey! Amanda? Is it?" She smiled.

Surprise. Surprise. She has a 'friendly' side.

I nodded and she smiled with her great white teeth.

"I'm Brittany,this is Kelly-" she pointed to the girl with short dark red hair.

"- and this is Chloe," she pointed to the dark skinned girl with very curly hair.

"Nice to meet you," I said.

"Ben said that you're a long time family friend," she said.

"Umm... Yeah, yeah. Since we we're 8," I said as I nodded.

"Okay cool, come chill with us at lunch yeah?"

"Uh, yeah," I agreed.

"Good, seeya then," she smiled and walked off.

Well... That's new.

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