Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine: Summer Nights

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A U G U S T 1978

"Are you sure you don't want to practice more?" James peered over the shoulder of his mum as she healed Romina's nose.

"James, darling, you almost took off half of her beautiful little face. I do think some rest will do the both of you good." Euphemia smiled warmly down at Romina as she finished off healing the girl before she looked at her son who hid his wand, quickly tucking it into the back pocket of his jeans.

He had gone shopping in muggle London with Lily and bought himself quite the wardrobe. Romina was shocked to see him come home in a pair of blue jeans, but had told him the look suited him more than it did Sirius and James finished up the day floating on cloud nine.

"Sorry Mum." James chuckled, giving her a wave as she walked off. He turned his attention back to Romina, "Blimey, it's like you never forgot to dodge my hex!"

"James Fleamont Potter!" She cried through laughter, shooing at him with the closest piece of parchment, which was where a missing section that Monty had most likely snipped out of the Daily Prophet should be. Since staying here over the summer and getting to know the Potter family more, Romina realized that Fleamont had a knack for protection. If there had been anything vile, or disheartening, written in the paper he would remove the articles and pictures before allowing Romina to take a look.

She acted as if she didn't notice that he did this - but she did. It was very sweet and she found herself growing more and more into the family she never knew she needed.

"Aren't you going to be late for your date with Lily?" Romina finally questioned as she glanced up from the daily prophet.

"We are actually seeing eachother tomorrow instead. She has some sort of examination that she will quite obviously ace, but is terrified that she will fail." James smiled to himself at the thought of his red headed girlfriend. He took the seat across from Romina and waved his wand behind him to get them both a cup of tea.

Romina silently thanked him for the tea. Stirring in a dollop of honey she thought on what to say next. Since James had started his Auror training, they had not gotten the chance to spend as much time together as they would have liked. Though, neither of them would ever actually admit that out loud. Usually when training was complete for the day, Romina found herself heading to Sirius' to spend quality time with him. And if she wasn't with the eldest Black brother - she was with Lily and Marlene, or even Remus.

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