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Third person pov

Two men stood over the mansion of their ruler's greatest enemy. One was blonde with whisker-like markings and the other had chestnut brown hair with red markings. They had come for one thing and one thing only. To take the life of the owner of this mansion.

"So are we just going to stand here like badass assassins or are we going to kill this jerk" the brown haired one said impatiently.

"Not yet" the blonde said firmly "we have to make sure the place is secure. We don't want him escaping us"

"It's not like you to be cautious" the brunette leaned over with a smirk.

"Yeah well this is serious" the blonde huffed "this is the guy who ruined shikamarus life. As his friend I don't want to screw this up"

"I can understand that" the brunette nodded before standing up and cracking his knuckles "ok let's kill that jerk and make it home in record time. I have a date tonight and would like to pretty myself up beforehand"

"Relax kiibs ,we'll get you back in time for your date" the blonde ruffled the brunettes hair. The brunette knocked his hand away irritably before the two jumped into action.

The split up, the blonde burst through the window and the brunette went through the open door.

Their enemy stumbled back in shock at the blondes appearance. The blonde casually pulled out a kunai, silently informing the target of his fate. He made a run for it only to be blocked by the brunette blocking the stairs.

"Going somewhere?" The brunette grinned as he kicked him square in the chest.

"Please" the man spluttered "spare my life. Whatever you're being paid I can pay you double-"

"Shut the hell up" the blonde pinned him down, kunai in hand "we're not being paid for this job. This is a matter of honour" with that he plunged the kunai deep into his throat.

After a minute of choking on his blood he passed tense. The blonde stood up "it's done"

"Great" the brunette stretched "cause I'm more than ready to-"


captured and married off to a Prince (shikaneji omegaverse Au) Where stories live. Discover now