A Trio Of Friends

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Shikamarus pov

I watched on from the balcony as my fiancée neji sat in a circle with his new friends lee and tenten laughing and chatting together. After much begging from neji I finally agreed to let him have his friends over. I was reluctant since I didn't trust tenten and  lee seems way too troublesome but nejis happy so maybe it was worth it.

"I don't believe it. Is the shikamaru nara actually smiling!?" I turned around to see my bodyguard and close friend Naruto.

"Buzz off your troublesome fool" I shooed him away.

He ignored me as he leaned over the balcony. His eyes landed on neji and his eyes lit up mischievously "so you let him bring commoners in. You must really like this boy"

"He's my fiancée. I do what I can to keep him happy" I shrugged.

"No it's more than that" Naruto leaned forward with a grin "you're totally smitten. That's why you can't stop smiling when you look at him"

"Gah" I covered my face, earning a teasing laugh from Naruto. How troublesome. Why'd this idiot suddenly have to get smarter!?

"I don't get what the big deal is" Naruto folded his arms with his thinking face on "you're getting married to him. It's not a crime to love him"

"It is when you're royalty" I sighed "bringing emotions into a marriage is nothing but trouble"

"What's wrong with trouble" I looked up in surprise at Naruto's question "some things are worth the trouble. At least that's what I think" he patted me on the shoulder before walking away.

I stared at nejis cute laughing face. Maybe that fools right. Maybe he is worth the trouble.

captured and married off to a Prince (shikaneji omegaverse Au) Where stories live. Discover now