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When Nick arrived home, Blake wasn't on the couch anymore. He'd moved to his bedroom and went to bed, probably. It was pretty late, so Nick followed Blake's example and went to his own room. He had a feeling there wouldn't be much sleeping in the cards for him tonight, however. Again. 

During the brief walk home, Nick had already decided Sem had misunderstood what Blake said. And if he hadn't, any sort of cuteness Blake saw in Nick once upon a time had to be long gone now. He must've lost any attraction he had since they started living together, plus, Blake had said he wanted to be friends. From past experiences, Nick knew that was exactly what you said to people you wanted to be friends with. Nothing else. 

Blake was the kind of person who wanted someone special. He'd go for a career jock Brad, just like Emma did. Someone who meant something in the world. Someone who could confidently walk into a room by his side so they could be the life of the party together. Someone who wasn't just a loser following courses that were considered easy by the masses. This was doomed from the start, and Sem had made everything worse by feeding the false sense of hope.

Nick chuckled humourlessly as he caught himself going into a downward spiral. How did his asshole brain twist Sem casually mentioning Blake thought he was cute into something this negative. He needed a distraction. 

A few moments later, the distraction came in the one form Nick didn't want: a knock on the door. 

"Hey, Nick, you in there?" Blake asked from the hallway. 

"Uh yeah," Nick replied, and the door swung open. 

Blake looked wide awake now, despite having fallen asleep on the couch just half an hour ago. He had those sparkly, enthusiastic eyes and a wide smile that made Nick's stomach flip. "Check your messages," Blake said. "Lara and the others want to reserve a table at Ace of Spades for tomorrow, and they need to know if you want to come too."

"Oh yeah, sure, that sounds like fun," Nick automatically replied, still distracted by Blake's smile. 

"Awesome, I'll let Lara know you're coming too." Blake chuckled as he typed something on his phone. "They're already insisting on more luck-based games so we, like, won't steamroll everyone again." 

"Oh yeah. I understand."

"Little do they know we're also going to steamroll them even in mostly luck-based games." Blake laughed. "Anyway, are you coming to the library tomorrow afternoon too?" 

Nick's gaze darted to the wall behind Blake so he didn't have to watch Blake's smile fall as he refused. He had to refuse. "I don't know—" 

"Come on," Blake interrupted, stretching the second word. "Carson, Lara and Mia won't be there and we have to talk tactics."

In his surprise, Nick's eyes shot back to Blake's face. "Really? You want to discuss game strategy before a casual gaming night?" 

Blake nodded, dead serious. "And look up strategies." 

Blake was next level competitive. Nick had never noticed it much at home since they didn't play games together (Sem wasn't really into it), but now Blake's energy reminded him of himself. The way he used to snoop on rivalling football clubs to learn stuff about their playing style. 

 "Is that how you always win?" Nick asked. 

"Maybe." Blake shrugged, lips drawn back in a mischievous grin. "Besides: it's not entirely casual. I'm planning on winning one of those gaming nights the Ace of Spades hosts before I go home. Anyway, I hope to see you at the library tomorrow. I'll be there around one. Sleep well!" 

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