"Camp Cretaceous" | S1

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"My names Jaycee, I like Dinosaur's, Softball, and Kicking ass!"

With a deep breath, she swung her bat and hit the ball with all her might. It soared through the air, landing just past the outfielder's glove and rolling to the fence. Jaycee raced around the bases, her heart pounding with excitement, and slid into home plate, scoring the winning run for her team.

As she celebrated with her teammates, Jaycee couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. She had worked hard all week, and it had paid off. And even though her dad wasn't there to see her play, she knew that he would be proud of her no matter what.


Jaycee sat on her bed, surrounded by clothes and gear. She was packing for a trip to Isla Nublar to join a group of other campers. She had been told that they would be going on an adventure on the island, but she didn't know much else about it.

As she packed, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement mixed with a tinge of nervousness. She had never been to Isla Nublar before and didn't know what to expect.

Jaycee carefully packed a variety of clothes and shoes, making sure to include both comfortable and sturdy options. She also packed a small backpack with a water bottle, sunscreen, and snacks. As she zipped up her bag, she took a deep breath and tried to push away the nervous feeling in her stomach.

Jaycee carefully packed her favorite softball bat, the one her dad had given her as a gift for her birthday a few years back. She also packed her lucky softball bracelet, a gift from her best friend, which she always wore during games. As she zipped up her bag, she took a deep breath and tried to push away the disappointment she was feeling.


I stood in the living room, my bags packed and ready to go. I was leaving for Isla Nublar, and while I was excited for the adventure, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of nervousness. I knew that my mother, Lex Murphy, was feeling the same way.

Lex, who had survived the original Jurassic Park incident as a child, stood beside me, her hands nervously clasped in front of her. "Are you sure you're ready for this, honey?" she asked, her voice tinged with worry.

I nodded, trying to appear confident. "I'm ready, Mom," I said. "I've been looking forward to this for months."

Lex took a deep breath and gave me a tight hug. "I know you have," she said. "But promise me you'll be careful, okay? I don't want anything to happen to you."

"I promise, Mom," I said, returning the hug. "I'll be careful. And I'll call you as soon as I can."

With one final hug, I picked up my bags and headed out the door. As I walked down the street, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement mixed with a tinge of sadness. I would miss my mother, but I was ready for the adventure that awaited me on Isla Nublar. And deep down, I knew that my mother's experiences at Jurassic Park would always be a part of my journey.


As Jaycee made her way to the airport, she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. She had never been away from her mother for this long before, and she knew that the adventure ahead would be full of danger.

But she was determined to make the most of her experience on Isla Nublar. She would face her fears head-on, make new friends, and learn as much as she could about the island's dinosaurs.

Trackstar; Yasmina Fadoula  (JWCC)Where stories live. Discover now