"The Watering Hole" | S2

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As the bat connected she thought only one word to herself


She made it to 1st base before realizing that the game was over.

They... won?

As speakers blared and confetti rained down like hail in a storm, teammates flooded the field like water to a dam something felt off.

She looked around, what was she missing?

When she opened her eyes she saw a car, a black one, it hadn't yet started.

There was a striking familiarity to it, a warmth; so she went towards it.

But as she reached her hand out to the door it took off, full speed with no acceleration needed.

'Wait!' She called out.

No one heard her.

She made it one hour before she heard the news.

Her father, her brother... they were dead.

She... won?

The sun barely peeked past the trees, casting dancing shadows on Jaycee as she jerked up with a pant.

She wiped her eyes and steadied her breathing, reminded of her injured shoulder as she stretched and winced.

"Hey, you good?"

Jaycee's eyes were still wide, but eventually they narrowed at the voice that called her.

Yaz leaned closer, "You alright, Jaycee? You looked like you were in deep thought."

Jaycee smiled with a hint of unease, "Yeah, just lost in my own world for a moment, Yaz. Nothing to worry about."

Yaz's eyes narrowed slightly, catching the underlying tension in Jaycee's voice.

"Hmm, just lost in your world? That's a dangerous place to be, you know. I hope it's not too scary in there." Yaz teased

Jaycee let out a nervous laugh and lightly nudged Yaz's shoulder.

"Oh, you have no idea, Yaz." Jaycee responded lightheartedly

Yaz smirked, but doubt was visible in her eyes.

Jaycee hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to confide in Yaz.

"But seriously, I'm alright, just a little shaken up. Just a silly dream." Jaycee admitted softly, still withdrawing some truth.

Yaz's playful expression turned into one of concern, and she reached out to gently touch Jaycee's hand.

"I'm glad you're okay. You know, if you ever need someone to chase those bad dreams away, I'm here for you." She stated.

Jaycee's heart skipped a beat, feeling a warm reassurance from Yaz's touch.

"Thanks, Yaz."

Trackstar; Yasmina Fadoula  (JWCC)Where stories live. Discover now