"Happy Birthday, Eddie!" | S1 🚧

437 17 7

(Under Revision, nothing makes sense, don't try to read it)

She only grew more nervous as the they continued to trek through the forest.

She led the group through a clearing, they were tired, made obvious by the pants of exhaustion that were the only noise in the area, disheartening to say the least.


Jaycee spun around on her heel as the other campers let out a scream. There was no dinosaur in sight and everyone seemed to be accounted for.

"Sorry, I stepped on a twig." Ben sighed. Jaycee released a breath she hadn't known she was holding, 'We don't have time for this'

"It's okay, Ben." Darius reassured, sighing, "We're all on edge."

"And lost." Yaz added, looking towards the front of the group to Jaycee who gave the same look back.

Jaycee continued in the same direction before realizing no one was following her, "Are you sure we're headed in the right direction Jaycee?" Sammy questioned, as soon as Jaycee turned to face her Brooklyn had once again become irritated.

"Well we'd be sure if I still had my phone, because it had a GPS, a compass app, and is also a phone!" Brooklyn got into Sammy's face, causing the latter to flinch.

Yaz rushed in between the two, "Sammy didn't steal your phone! No one stole your phone! Can we please stop talking about the phone?"

Jaycee groaned, "We don't have the phone and arguing won't make it appear, did we not just have this conversation!?" She snapped.

They did just have this conversation

With everyone's eyes trained on her Jaycee took a breath, "Do we have any non-phone related ideas?" She said whilst clinching the bridge of her nose.

Kenji cleared his throat, "What we need here is someone who can make the hard call on what to do next." He announced, as if no one knew, "Since I'm obviously leadership material... I'll do this, and my fisrt decree as leader is for everyone to stop talking and just listen to Darius."

Kenji wrapped his arm around Darius and motioned to the boy, as if he had planned for this the whole time, which he didn't because he whispered something to him on the side.

Kenji returned to the group, "So which way Darius?" Kenji brought all of the pressure onto Darius, who was taking a moment to think. Jaycee stood, arms crossed waiting for anyone else to speak up

"Oh please your just trying to cover up the fact that your lost too Mr. V.I.P." Brooklyn accused, crossing her arms as well. 

"I know where we are! We're by the Carnotauras Paddock!" Darius shouted, breaking into a speed-walk.

Jaycee matched his pace, "Why do you sound excited about that?" She whispered, to no avail as the group continued walking, "Am I an excellent leader or what?" Kenji said, puffing his chest with a grin.

"The other option."

Darius pushed through tall grass blocking the paddock from view, "I remember the fence," Jaycee looked from behind the boy and to the enclosure, "The broken, ripped down fence?" She finished, taking a calming breath.

Trackstar; Yasmina Fadoula  (JWCC)Where stories live. Discover now