"Secrets" | S1

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"Brooklyn go get some help I'll hold them off!" I shouted at the pinkette, she nodded and ran off
I looked down at the raptors who's attention I had just gained, I tied the rope into a loop and threw it down hoping they would take the bait, I missed and it hooked around ones hooked claw, I took a deep breath and hopped off the railing with the rope tied to it

It pulled the raptor up, distracting two others leaving just one more, the blue one stalking towards the other two. I ran towards it with my bat and screamed, "AHHHHH!" trying to make myself seem bigger and crazier than the dinosaur.
And with its sisters elsewhere the raptor went to help it, just in time for Dave and Roxie to arrive throwing huge chunks of raw meat into the paddock, while opening the doors

I ran out of there taking a huge breath before laughing, "We did it! I'm alive!" I shouted. The counselors reprimanded the boys, not that I blame them
Dave walked over to me, "Great job handling that situation, we like that here, however, we lose our jobs if you die so, don't" he told me, I nodded in response

(Back at camp)
I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water before bed, I saw Yasmina sitting at the bar, with a book and pencil, she didn't notice me, so I got my glass and some candy and sat next to her

She turned to me, eyebrow raised, "Where were you four?" She asked. "Just having a near death experience with velociraptors, just the usual" I told her, smirking
"Sounds evenWhat did they look like? Do you have a picture or something?" She asked me, motioning towards her book
I shook my head, "There's a picture on Brooklyn's phone, but why go through all that trouble of interacting with people and such when I'm right here?" I suggested
She grew a questioning look, "Now do I really want that in my book every time I look through it?" She asked
"Well I used to have to take pictures for magazines and newspapers, and I'm pretty attractive if I say so myself, do yes, I think you do want me in your book"

She rolled her eyes, "Sure, but stay still I'm tired" she said

(The Next Day)
I woke up throwing myself out of my bed, just remembering where I was and what happened last night

"My names Jaycee, I like dinosaurs, softball, Kicking ass! And these boys aren't dying tonight!"
The event played back in my head, it was not how I envisioned my first night here, but at least it was not boring
I pulled some clothes out of my bag and prepared to get in the shower,
I walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, my hair was a bit messed up from last night, I'd fix it later
I turned the water on and watched the steam pour out the shower, a raptor didn't appear out of this steam, so it was good

(If you want a shower scene read smut pervert)
(Start of the actual episode)
I clenched my nose, "Why are we at a pile of shit?" I asked the counselors
Roxie kicked Darius and Kenji out of the jeep, throwing them shovels, "Punishment for the boys, have fun cleaning it!" Dave hopped out of car and gave them cologne to cover up the stench, before getting back in so we could drive off

Ben put on sanitizer across his upper body getting him weird looks from Yaz and I, he went on a weird monologue about nature or something before offering us some
Whatever he was saying was convincing enough for me, even though it would be more useful after the trip
We pulled up upon a genetics lab, it was grey with blue windows, it had concrete walls, it looked modern, yet sturdy at the same time
I looked at Yaz, "You came here for this stuff?" I asked her, "No. I'm here on a sponsorship, I couldn't really turn it down" she replied, "Oh I guess that makes sense, I wasn't really listening when Brooklyn was interrogating everyone" I said back

Trackstar; Yasmina Fadoula  (JWCC)Where stories live. Discover now