"Things Fall Apart" | S1

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"Holy shit it just ate them... It just ate them!"

Jaycee woke up panting and breathing rapidly, sweat pouring down her face.

She hasn't had nightmares in a long time.
3 months ago to be exact.

She thought she had moved on, it has been years ever since they...

They died.

Jaycee pushed herself off the bed and made her way to the lounge building.

It was empty so she went to the kitchen, which was also empty.

What time was it? She didn't want to go back into her room to check.

Usually, someone was up, but today they weren't

She needed to distract herself, but there was no one to talk to, so she did what she usually did in situations like this.

Cooking. It's a hobby, a basic life skill, and Jaycee's coping mechanism.

She looked around the shelves for ingredients, eventually, she was satisfied with what she saw and she figured out what to make.

She was making French Toast, for everyone, so she grabbed handfuls of ingredients and got to work


Eventually, Roxie walked in, "Jaycee is that you? What are you doing up so early?" She questioned

"Bad dream." Jaycee quickly responded

"Dave and I have to go talk to our boss, don't leave, Dave will leave some stuff here for you guys" Roxie told her

The blonde nodded

Jaycee was setting up the plates when Yaz, Kenji, Ben, and Sammy walked in.

Jaycee motioned to the plates and three of them happily grabbed them and went to eat

The outlier was Yaz, and her face contorted with indecisiveness

Jaycee brought a fake frown to her face, batting her eyelashes.

Yaz crumbled and grabbed the plate, defeated, but Jaycee could see a change in her features.

She was smiling.

Jaycee joined the four at the table, "Roxie and Dave are meeting with their boss today." She informed

Groans of disappointment filled the room, "Don't shoot the messenger" she said

Once the group finished eating they moved to the lounge area. Sammy and Yaz sat on a side of the couch together, with the layers book, interesting

Ben sat on the other side of the couch, with crayons and paper Dave left, and Kenji was at the ping pong table in a mobile chair

Jaycee walked over and challenged him, "You're on Bluejay," he said

"Bluejay? Where did that come from?" She questioned

Trackstar; Yasmina Fadoula  (JWCC)Where stories live. Discover now