"End of The Line"

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I stood there, disbelieving.
He slipped, I let him slip right out my fingers

I saw the horrible horrified expression on his face as he fell
I began to sob. I wasn't strong enough to hold on long enough, to pull him back up faster.

He's dead and it's my fault.
My fault
The words repeated in my head while Yaz came over to comfort me
"It's my fault he's gone Yaz, if I just went myself or were stronger or smarter Ben would still be alive" I said.
"It's not your fault Jaycee, you tried your best, you ran to save him with Darius while the rest of us were paralyzed" if anything it's our fault." She comforted

I just curled up into a ball and went into a corner
"Guys we gotta get off of this train?!" Darius shouted out
I got up from my corner, tears blurring my vision and went into the front car

"When we switched the tracks earlier we switched to one heading north" he explained
"There's a dip in the track up ahead, we can jump there!" Brooklyn suggested

I looked down, the trees based blend in perfectly with the dark night leaving only leaves to look at.

I watched us come closer and closer to the dip in the track. I grabbed onto Yaz's hand and she grabbed onto mine

We jumped off along with everyone else, exchanging one last glance before we hit the ground

I hung onto her as we hit the ground and we rolled for a few seconds down a hill.

I put myself in front of her as we rolled into a tree, shielding her from most of the impact

"You make a nice cushion you know" she said from on of me
"I know I know now get up" I responded

"How's your ankle?" I asked her more seriously
"Well it's been better, but nothing that can't be fixed once I get home." She said
She tried to walk but stumbled back down
I shot her a sympathetic look

The others started to come back over to us

Kenji lost Bumpy once he hit the ground, but at the moment we had bigger issues.

"Do we have enough time to get back?" Sammy asked, worry evident

Darius stood in thought before a smile appeared in his face.
"Kenji if we take the tunnels we can get there can't we?" He asked the older boy
Kenji nodded before running off, motioning for us to follow him.

He stopped in the middle of the forest.
"You brought us to a rock Kenji?" I asked him

He then opened it up to reveal a ladder leading underground
"Well would you look at that" I quipped
"We are looking at that, it's pretty interesting" Yaz sarcastically said
I looked back with a childish glare

We climbed down and began following behind Kenji.
I stopped at some lockers and began to go through them, the others stopped too because there was a door
I found two of the prodding tasers and grabbed them

"Here Yaz" I said tossing one to her. But Kenji grabbed it and tried to get through the door but he failed
"These are being repurposed to walking sticks with defense capabilities" I said, handing the stick back to Yaz
He ran in different directions, but everywhere we went there were bars

Trackstar; Yasmina Fadoula  (JWCC)Where stories live. Discover now