"Welcome to Jurassic World"

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I exited the van holding my head. Keep your eyes on the road people!
I turned my attention to Yaz and Sammy. Right Sammy was lying about the phone, but it looks like I didn't have to be mad because Yaz was letting her have it.
Sammy was sent crying into the clearing as Yaz walked back to us
"Guys look I know the situation we're in is suboptimal but-" Ben was cut off by Brooklyn
"It's trash Ben just say it's trash" Brooklyn finished
Before anyone could retort the Indominus ran through
"OH COME ON REALLY" I shouted before running behind the van.
We watched as the Indominus ran by?
We looked up to see a helicopter which Kenji and I recognized as Masrani's
It was shooting at the Indominus and the bullets were like a beacon pointing to the creature. But unfortunately the Indominus led Masrani to the Aviary, causing him to crash.
Right into the glass dome, and as any flying reptile would, the pteranodons, pterodactyls, and everything else flew out of there
We ran into the 'River Adventure' Cave and got into a room, barely evading a pteranodon
We turned around to a dock looking area with some kayaks and of course, we were taking them.
"Brooklyn, Jayce, and I call the CKK!" Kenji shouted
"Cool Kids Kayak? Really?" I asked him he responded with a proud nod
I noticed that there were three Kayaks each one having only two seats
"So much for two per Kayak" I muttered laying down in the middle of the newly named CKK
We started paddling, well they did, I was just there to make it look nice, which I succeeded at if I do say so myself

But soon we pulled into a luminescent Crystal cave. It had a water fall pouring down into the middle creating a wall of splashing water in front of it
It was breathtaking, it could almost distract you from the fact that you were alone with six other teenagers trying to escape a dinosaur infested island, but almost was all that was needed

Brooklyn soon began going on about Sammy and her phone, but this time, it was Kenji who spoke, not me.
Not that it suprised me, I noticed more about the boy ever since we first met, he's developed, adapted to the situation. So I zoned out as he talked to Brooklyn, although hard to do when laying in between the two
My thoughts were interrupted though m, as I saw something almost as breathtaking as the waterfall, bioluminescent Parasaurs.
They blend into the cave and glowed with a faint shade of pink and green; with the pattern going all the way down their tail.

However, they began to start bumping into our Kayaks and surrounding us. I was knocked into the water, and without the life vest, because they only made enough to fit the amount of seats I was drenched.
I had bigger problems than clothing though as I had to swim back to the Kayak .
The current was strong, so strong that I had to grip the arm of one of the resident herbivores to stay there.
"Brooklyn a hand, or- paddle?" I requested trying to stay near them.
She reached out her paddle, motioning for me to grab on to it. I struggled but after a few tries I got it and pulled myself back aboard.
"You guys are like #5 on my favorite herbivores list now!" I yelled at the dinosaurs
They soon went backwards and left us
"Was it something I said?" I joked
Then I remembered the current and everyone else realized it too. They tried to paddle backwards but it was fruitless
We were pulled into a narrow tunnel.
"Um guys does anyone one know where we're going?" Ben asked, frightened
Before we could respond we started falling down the tunnel.  I shielded my eyes from the water that splashed upwards on our way down and after around 15 sec we came out the other side

I was disoriented by the falling and then finally the sun beaming down on us, but I still figured out just where we were.
And I think the inhabitant knew where we were as well

"Guys we're in the Lagoon, and the landlord wants her rent" I said
"Is this really the best time to be making jokes?" Yaz shouted
I responded with a shrug. I took a second to think of a plan, the moseasauras is obviously faster than us, so we need a distraction.
"Kenji! Paddle to the pole in the middle then once we get there beeline to the railing Kay?" I said
I didn't let him disagree and he nervously nodded
The mosasauras was right behind the others, I didn't have time to be doubting myself now, I turned around to see us quickly approaching the pole
"Guys I'm going to distract it so you guys can escape, if you could use the hook to pull me over that would be great" I gave him a thumbs up before jumping onto the area.
I looked around seeing the scales of the creature ripple throughout the water behind Darius and Sammy's kayak

I saw Ben's panicked face and Yaz's determined one. I realized that I didn't have a choice and began shouting to get the mosasauras' attention
If I had a paddle I could have hit the pole with it, but I didn't so I had to improvise

But the beast didn't slow down, my eyes filled with horror and determination, I continued to shout; even kicking the pole, but I wasn't working. But then I heard a noise behind me.

I turned around to see Yaz behind me with a paddle, she began hitting the pole with it.
The creature turned around, interested by the noise
"Your a life-saver Yaz" I told her
"You looked and sounded kinda stupid so I had to step in" she sarcastically inputted
"This really the time to be studying my looks like that?" I joked back
"Shut up and get to distracting" she said flustered
"KENJI WHERE IS THE HOOK!?" I shouted over to him. Like magic the hook started rising out from the water

Yaz and I climbed onto the hook and it started going towards the seating area
"Prepare to swing off" I told Yaz who nodded
I looked down to see the mosasauras right underneath us.

And then it lunged out of the water towards us
"ITS VERTICAL IS MAXED OUT THIS ISNT FAIR!" I screamed. It narrowly missed us, snapping of the line sending us to the stands even faster

I saw that tablet drop from Yaz's pocket but there were bigger problems at hand.
I saw the stands and swung off of the chain.

I braced myself from the fall with my left shoulder, rolling into the stands, I let out a cry of pain as I landed on the hard concrete

The others quickly swarmed me and Yaz.
I tried to get up but couldn't support myself and ended up falling back down
"Take it easy Jayce" Kenji said
"You two need to rest for a while" the others agreed

Around an hour passed by since the mosasauras encounter. I diagnosed that I had dislocated my shoulder, and sprained my ankle
I'm pretty sure Yaz might have sprained hers even worse because she actually stuck the landing

I got up and headed hobbled over to Yaz, sitting beside her.
"So how you feeling?" I asked her
"Bad, but I've been worse" she responded
"You tried to look more better than me than you already did and you wind up like this" I said sarcastically
"Well if I'm getting injured might as well make sure to look good while doing it-" she shot back
"You always look good, the superhero landing was a bit much" I smugly said earning an eye roll from the athlete
"Shut up"
That's it for chapter like 8 or somethin idk
I wanted it to be more immersive so like halfway through I decided to start describing stuff making it feel more important, which might have caused a bit of inconsistency, but next chapter should be all like that, hopefully. I already started in next chapter as I'm writing this, which is why I didn't post this last night

 I already started in next chapter as I'm writing this, which is why I didn't post this last nightCya

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