"A Beacon Of Hope" | Pt. 1

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"Take that you reptilian rodents!"
I kept my head facing straightforward as I navigated through the jungle

I ducked down to avoid a low hanging branch but ended up tripping


I recovered from the fall, ignoring the pain of my ankle and kept running.
"Is it still behind us?" I yelled to Kenji

The ground shook and then a roar could be heard close by.

Then a T-Rex appeared, chasing if the parasaur chasing us
"Not anymore it's not" Kenji finally replied

We took shelter behind a fallen tree along with the others.
"Take that you homophobic hydrosaur" I muttered

"I'm tired of running and running all day, we need shelter and we need food as soon as possible" Brooklyn said

"Yeah we haven't eaten anything since those awful carob bars that Ben..." Yaz started, beginning to trail off

My expression grew darker, remembering the boy. I started to recall the horror , how he slipped from my hands and faded away into the darkness.

I shook away the thought from my head
'It's not my fault' I told myself
Deep down I could feel it knawing away at my subconscious.
All problems that I could deal with after I eat something

Yaz started to apologize but was cut off by Darius
"No you guys are right, we can't keep living like this, but I think I have the perfect place to go"

Main Street
"You know I've always wanted to come through here, not in this specific situation, but I'll except it." I said
It looked like a fight took place, probably between the Indominus and the T-Rex from the sizes and damage done.
There was also a hole in the gate of the Lagoon
"Considering we saw Rexy earlier I think I know who won." I input

"Aw you gave it a name~" Sammy cooed

"We need to find a phone, or something to communicate with, and then some shelter to wait at." Darius stated

We started searching through some stores looking for a phone.

I walked out after a few minutes of nothing to take a breather.

I then thought if something, if this amusement park is on an island, then there must be hotels somewhere close by.
I started to look around the area surrounding the lagoon.

I found a nearby scooter and started to ride it around.
I came across a pizza place that had the windows broken. I walked inside and began to look around.
There were abandoned pizzas around the place and I swear I saw one get dragged away into the shadows.

I walked into the back and looked around in the freezer. I found a lot of frozen pizza.
I started to grab boxes and put the pizzas in them.
After a few minutes of doing it I found some bags and prepared to take them back to Main Street.

But before I could exit the kitchen I was stopped by a tiny roar.
I looked down to see a compy, I stayed cautious though, not knowing if it was alone.
Then two more surrounded the other one and now I was outnumbered.
I left my taser outside, so I was defenseless.

Trackstar; Yasmina Fadoula  (JWCC)Where stories live. Discover now