"Cattle Drive" | S1

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Jaycee followed Yaz outside to the campfire, where everyone else was already waiting for them.

Yaz paused, and the look on her face was unreadable for a second but then she simply walked past the campfire and went to the edge of the balcony, 'Traitor'

Jaycee would not drag Yaz over into a situation she wasn't comfortable with, so she sat down by Darius, and the story began.

Darius pulled his hood on, "We thought'd it be fun..." he began

"We thought we'd be safe, but... we didn't realize the... horror waiting for us on the island."

"Claws... Teeth... Screaming... So much screaming"

"How much screaming?" Ben fearfully interjected, he was shushed.

"The T.Rex stalled closer... Her jaws opened wide." Darius extended his arms out in a way to suggest something closing in


Brooklyn's camera cut him off! Right at the good part too! "A picture Brooklyn, really?" Jaycee complained

"For the vlog, keep on with the little story" Brooklyn said back

Darius pulled his hood back on and continued, but was interrupted, and interrupted again, and again

The third time, it was Sammy, "Shouldn't we call Yasmina over? I bet she'd love this story." Darius flopped on his side of the bench.

Jaycee grew tired of the constant interruptions and went over to Yaz herself.

The brunette didn't hear her coming, and was startled when she felt breathing behind her.

"Sorry, wasn't trying to scare you or anything, but the others want you to join them" Jaycee apologized

"Well I'm kinda of finishing-"


Rain started pouring down and suddenly the once dry weather became drenched in tropical rain.

The two girls ran inside onto the sofa

"My pages got wet" Yaz said, earning a curious look from Jaycee

"I was finishing your portrait up, adding some extra detail you know" She explained

Jaycee was skeptical, it looked pretty finished the other night, but she took the girl's word for it

She wanted to steer the conversation elsewhere, but Sammy rushed over, clearly ignoring any boundaries that a normal person would set, and she wasn't dealing with that tonight, so she left

Once back in her room, she went to sleep


Jaycee woke up, went through her morning routine and went into the lounge area.

The only people up were Roxie and Yaz, Roxie was cooking breakfast in a delegate part of the facility, and Yaz was in her notebook like usual.

Trackstar; Yasmina Fadoula  (JWCC)Where stories live. Discover now